

"Ma'am, please come with me to the bedroom. Sir has asked us to help you settle down before lunch."

I tore my gaze away from the path where Florian had taken away from me and turned to the woman. She was young, probably around my age, and dressed in a very neat maid's uniform.

I forced a small smile, then nodded. "Thank you."

She smiled, then gestured with her hand towards the stairs. I took the path she directed me to, while she fell into step next to me, her fingers elegantly clasped in front of her.

I looked around the house, as last night was a complete haze, and I could barely even remember that wr had climbed a stair case. There were dark pieces of art around the house and one on the wall at the very top of the stairs.

It was a close-up of a hand. My brows furrowed. Those rings looked like Florian's, and the longer I looked at the painting, the more I saw.

I could see the rest from what could have been there, and his fingers seemed to be wrapped around a... chin?

I could see the outline of lips from above his hand and nothing more. What was this painting?

I turned to the maid, and she had her head lowered behind me.

"Uh... do you know what this painting is?"

She looked up, then shook her head. "I don't, Ma'am."

I let out a sigh, then nodded. We continued the trip towards the bedroom, and we passed only one other bedroom before we got to it.

I wondered which one of these it had been last night or if it was somewhere else.

"It has been a while since anyone was here, so we will have to fix the place a little more before the end of today. Please bear with us."

My brows furrowed. "I... I thought Florian came here last night?"

She shook her head. "No, he did not, ma'am. If he had, I would have known."

So it wasn't even this house. That's odd.

She opened the door, and I pushed my thoughts away and slowly entered the room. It was large, with a white round bed gracing the middle. The large lavender coloured sheets floated to the ground, gracing the floor lightly, beautifully.

I looked around, my lips parting. The window covered an entire wall and provided a breathtaking view of the landscape below and beyond.

The room was painted in lavender and white, and the pillows, at least ten of them, were all white against the lavender sheets.

The mirror faced the bed and was a beautiful semi-circle. Flowers filled the room, and a gentle scent of lavender.

"This..." I started to say, my voice low. This is exactly what my dream room looks like. Exactly what I wanted back at home before my mother shut me down.

I felt a single tear run down my cheeks.

"This is beautiful," I managed to say, bringing the back of my hand to wipe the tears away.

"Sir pays us to fix the room every day. I personally have been doing it for the last five years."

My brows shot up. "You have been tending to this room for the past five years? Whose room is it?"

She shrugged. "No one has ever been allowed in. Sir had come here only once, but no one else is even allowed close. He also doesn't really visit this place often."

I blinked rapidly, then turned away, my eyes taking in the room. It was an eerie coincidence, and I let my eyes drink in the room again. Every single thing, down to the soft rug I wanted in the room... it all fit.

"I will run a bath for you and let you freshen up. There are clothes in the closet, and they are kept clean, so you can wear them immediately."

I nodded absent mindedly, and she walked away. I watched her back until she disappeared, then turned towards the window.

I dared to wonder if I had ever told Florian about the room I have always wanted. If he knew. But for five years... that was most of the time I had spent avoiding him. We never saw each other within the last five years, as I grew even busier, and he... he became Florian.

Florian, the billionaire. The one I saw on magazines. The one I was absolutely terrified of. He was barely the forbidden man who had stolen my first kiss.

I sighed a little as the maid appeared again. I did need that bath. I slowly got out of my clothes as she closed the door behind her, leaving me alone.

I walked slowly, my feet savouring the cloud like rugs. I remembered telling my mum, and then Ronan, that I wanted to feel the clouds under my feet.

Ronan had simply laughed at it while mum had shut it down. When I became independent enough to afford it, I saw reasons with my mother and never did. Now that it was here. I wish I had.

I walked to the bathroom and took in the place. The doors were made of blurry glass, and the bathroom, a large space adorned with roses and lavender, smelled absolutely wonderful.

It was absolutely perfect. It was beautiful. My dreams come true.

There was a bookshelf right within reach, and even that was covered in roses, to the very top shelf. I loved to read. Get immersed in the water the same time I get immersed in yet another world.

I let out a shaky breath and went inside, my eyes roaming the bath. The bath was a large circle with brewing water. It was purple, probably from a bath bomb, and I gave a small laugh. How did the maid know? At this point, this could also be my own home.

'Let me take you home,' Florian had said.

I looked around as I stepped into the bath, my body immersing in the water as I reached for a book. He had absolutely meant it.

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