
The User or the Used


I could taste her tears on her lips, but she wasn't stopping, and sure as hell, I wasn't going to. The next forty-five minutes that it took to get to the mansion was an absolute pain, and I hated that I had to drive. I wanted to give her all of the attention she wanted, all the things she was looking for by pushing herself on me like this, touch her in all of the places she never showed anyone else so she is never tempted to feel anyone else.

We finally got home, and I pulled her into me, her body fitting right in my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist.

I opened the door, then turned to the wall, her back softly hitting the wall. She adjusted her legs around me, and I chuckled to myself, my fingers holding on to her.

She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed, her fingers holding on to my shirt. I let my hand slowly tuck her hair back in, my eyes looking down at her. I wanted to take it slow. Understand her grief. Maybe.

"Do you still want this?"

She swallowed, then looked up to me, those beautiful blue eyes, big and filled with tears. She bit down on her full, red lips, and it had been absolute torture seeing her do that in the rare times I got to see her after that day and knowing exactly how perfect they tasted.

How did she even think a man like Damien was good for her? A weak coward who couldn't love her at her worst? How did she think he deserved her at her best?

"Yes," she whispered, her fingers slowly moving to rest on my shoulders. "Yes, I still want to do this. I am sorry, Florian."

I didn't need to listen to the rest of it as I covered the distance, my hands holding her tight, kissing her as softly as I could convince my mind to go.

At some point, I lost control, but I had driven her wild too, with eyes closed and heightening need for her, I led us to my room upstairs.

I loved how seamlessly her clothes came off and how she never called his name, not even once. I pulled away, watching her naked in my bed, my lips parted. I slowly leaned, kissing her lips. Her fingers dug into my back as my kisses stretched to her face, then to her neck, and then slowly, lower.

Her skin slightly reddened with every kiss, and when I pulled away again, I had an artwork that I had carved only with my lips, naked, and in my bed.

"I want a few photos," I said, kissing her earlobe.

She nodded, her eyes closed. I grabbed the camera I always kept next to my bed, like I knew I would have this masterpiece tonight.

I took a few photos before I kept it back, then returned to the warmth of her skin, shaping every bit of her to accommodate me.

I wasn't surprised to find that I was her first, and I sure as hell will be the last.

My eyes closed as the hot water pelted down on me, flattening my hair. I chuckled to myself as I felt the sting from the places where Roxanne had dug her nails last night, the places in my neck where she had bitten.

I opened my eyes to the mirror, and sure enough, I had her marks all over me. My smile darkened as I let my fingers caress her cute little teeth marks, knowing I had left more than enough on her for her deadbeat ex fiance to know a real man had graced her.

I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around me, then stepped out to the room. Sure enough, Roxanne had woken up and was picking up her clothes from the floor. I was pretty sure they were ripped, but sure.

"What are you doing?"

She gasped and turned to me, her eyes wide as she brought the clothes to her chest.

"I... I was..."

"Were you planning on leaving?"

She blinked rapidly, then swallowed. "I need to go home."

"I will take you."

"No," she said, taking a step away. "I... I don't know what came over me last night, Florian."

I met her eyes, and my hands went behind me. "You regret it?"

"No, but... I am sorry. This... this isn't going anywhere. It was just for last night, and I was out of it and..."

"You used me?" I asked, making sure my voice carried that tinge of hurt to make it more believable.

"Yes. Yes, I am sorry."

I bit down on my lips, then nodded. "Still. I will take you home."

She seemed to feel bad, and I turned away to go to the closet. My smile returned once I was out of sight, and my eyes thinned.

So she thought she was using me. A small laugh ripped through me, and I grabbed a shirt.

Oh, baby girl...

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