
Chapter 45 Dinner With The Vixens.

One thing Christopher, no everyone, one thing everyone failed to understand was that although Henry was deeply in love with his second wife, Grace, he treated all his sons equally. Be it the rebellious son of his late first wife, or the all abiding son from his second and current wife.

Henry treated them all equally, with thick brutality if they ever happen to mess up his plans, just like how Christopher had gone and ruined ages old preparations even without knowing it.

The sting on his cheek had just died down when Christopher turned to his father. "Dad...?" Those were the only words he could squeeze through his lips while Roxanne silently watched, Amber too but in silence as she could not comprehend what was happening before her eyes.

Christopher had paraded himself as the beloved child of his father so many times, going on about how much Henry loved him more than Lance and all that, to the point that Amber never imagined such a thing happening.

Yet it was.

"You insolent Child! Why
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