
Don’t you dare

Amelia swatted his hands away from her lips, just as a nurse walked into the room.

"Sir, here are the discharge papers." The nurse said as she walked towards them.

Rey took the papers from the nurse, signed them and gave them back to her.

He took a glance at the bed and Amelia wasn't there.

He searched around but couldn't find anyone, he moved over to the little dressing room across the room.

"Don't you dare." A familiar voice called from behind the curtains.

Rey stepped back and Amelia appeared a few minutes after.

She must have gone into the dressing room while Rey was signing the papers.

Amelia walked out of the room, completely ignoring Rey who had been waiting for her.

He followed closely behind her and she got into the car, and waited for Rey to join her.

The drive back home was silent as Amelia refused to talk to Rey. Regret started setting in Rey's mind. He felt remorseful for his actions especially now that Amelia refused to talk to him.

"Princess, I was hoping I could talk-"
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