
The call

Amelia got into her room to see her phone beeping, she picked it up thinking it was Chelsea who she had been trying to reach out to but it was her father. She was disappointed but also happy at the same time as she hadn't heard from her dad in a long time.

"Honey, how are you doing?" A voice said from the phone.

"I'm fine dad, what you been up to?" Amelia sat down on the bed, placing her food down.

"Uh, I've just been busy with work, how bout you my dear?"

"Nothing much fr. Just went out a lot with Chelsea, had a girls night out, we took long drives, also did some shopping, some movies and played some games together, went for a sleepover and attended a few parties." Amelia said, sounding as if she got lost into the memory of each one as she mentioned them.

"Wow, that sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm glad you're enjoying your little holiday without me there to pester you or give a curfew, must be interesting."

Amelia chuckled, "uh, c'mon dad you know I miss you a lot. I miss you so
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