

Rey gave Amelia the best sex she would have ever asked for. They both realized that sex in the open with just the stars watching them was the best. They were both so exhausted that they slept off immediately after they were done.

They had just slept for a few minutes when the watch on Rey's hand began to beep. Rey's eyes snapped open. The beeping sound of the watch was a sign that there was an armed or dangerous external presence nearby. It was something Charlie had gotten for him to protect himself in the mountain. Rey's eyes darted around the place trying to check for signs of something or someone.

The moonlight was very bright so he didn't even need a torchlight to be able to see his way around. He gradually stood up, rolling Amelia off of him.

He couldn't see anything, but the watch was still beeping and his nerves were on the high end. Rey always trusted his instincts so it was either whatever it was that wanted to attack them was hiding and lurking somewhere around or he just h
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