
Who let you in?

Rey stomped out of the house furiously. He couldn't believe Amelia's jerk of a boyfriend still had the effontery to lay his filthy hands on her. Who the hell did he think he was?

Amelia's Tesla was parked carelessly in the garage, and without thinking, Rey hopped into it. Max's gpa was still in the car which made things a lot more easier for Rey as a few minutes later, he was at Max's doorstep.

He didn't bother knocking at the door as he had no patience for that, he instead took a few steps backwards and lunged at the entrance door with a kick which broke the door immediately.

When Rey broke in, Max was sprawled out on the couch with the brunette's boobs in his mouth and the blonde slurping and sucking on his dick like her life depended on it.

Rey didn't care about the scenario he met, he just matched towards Max who had pounced off the couch.

"Who let you in, man?" Max questioned with a displeased expression on his face.

Rey responded to the question with a punch and the girls screamed in fright.

The punch had sent Max flying back to the couch, but he immediately stood up again and clenched his fists as he tasted the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.

"I knew it! You are not just a bodyguard to her, you are her fuck buddy. I had always known she wasn't a virgin like she claimed to..." Max was saying when another punch landed on his face.

"I wouldn't have you say shit like that about her." Rey said. He didn't care about the fact that Max was stark naked. All he wanted was to pour out his anger on him.

He threw Max to the wall, and gave him a thorough beating before he was satisfied. Max looked like he had just had a blood bath when Rey was finally done with him. His erect dick had shrunk along with him.

"Now, this is my final warning to you. I never want to see you around her ever again." Rey's loud voice boomed authoritatively.

The two girls didn't mind that Max was laying on the floor in a critical condition, they began to give Rey seductive glances as he walked out of the house, but he ignored them totally. They were obviously smitten by him.


Rey's knuckles were inflammed and bloody. He felt slight pains on them as that was what he had used to beat up Max. He had to wrap them up with a bandage to prevent Amelia from seeing it and freaking out.

After wrapping it carefully, he got an icepack from the refrigerator and took it along with him to Amelia's room.

Amelia still lay weakly on the bed, her lashes were wet and her eyes were reddened from crying.

"I thought I told you not to cry too much, Princess?" He asked on seeing her distraught look.

"Where did you go to?" Amelia inquired, ignoring his own question. She lifted herself up from the bed and sat up to face him.

"To settle something." Rey stated and Amelia raised a brow at him.

"Did you hurt him? What did you do?" She asked cautiously.

"Why the fuck do you care about the jerk who did this to you?" Rey fumed, pointing at her swollen face.

His sudden rage frightened Amelia and she subconsciously moved back.

"I'm sorry Princess," He apologized on seeing her movement. "I didn't mean to yell at you, I- I'm sorry." 

Amelia only nodded in response.

"Here let me help you." He said, as he stretched out his hand to help her out of the bed.

"Thanks." She muttered.

"I brought an icepack for your face. It might hurt a little, but I'll try my best to make it less painful." He affirmed.

Amelia winced in pain as soon as the icepack came in contact with her face. Rey gently massaged her face and within few minutes, the swell had reduced, though the scratches were still obvious.

There was an awkward silence between them. Amelia had her gaze fixed on her nails as she waited for Rey to question her. Just as she was expecting, he cleared his throat and began to speak;


"Why what?" She responded, clasping her fingers together.

"You know what I'm talking about--Why did you go see him after what happened? You know-you kinda caused this for yourself." He said bluntly. 

Amelia's eyes narrowed as she looked up at him.

"You are a fucking bodyguard and not my father. You have no right to question me or my actions!" She snapped.

"Listen Princess, your father put me in charge. I am the boss here, and I have every right to question your actions." He replied in a low tone.

"I don't care. You mind your fucking business! Get out of my room!" Amelia yelled, pointing towards the door.

Rey's gaze softened.


"Do not call me that! Get out of my room!" Amelia yelled even louder. 

She walked to the door and opened it.

"Leave." She said, standing beside the open door.

Rey shrugged and walked out of the room, Amelia refused to look at him as he left, she was afraid she might actually soften if she did as she seemed to always lose her willpower whenever she was around him. She slammed the door shut after he left.

She walked back to her bed and sat on it. She pressed her lips together into a thin line and looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears that were struggling to come out, but after a few minutes, she lost the battle as she began to sob uncontrollably.

Rey was standing just outside the door and he rushed back in immediately.

"Are you okay?" He inquired, as he walked to her and tried to touch her. Amelia slapped off his hands and pushed him away.

"Do I look okay to you?" Her nose was flared and her voice shaky as she spoke amidst tears.

"I thought I asked you to leave...what are you doing here?" She asked as she stood up to face him.

"Well, I obviously can't leave you like this. I was paid to do a job I am doing it. I don't care if you like it or not." Rey stated in a tone of finality.

"And I will tell my father you let me leave the house on all by myself." Amelia threatened, but Rey only raised a brow at her and she instantly felt foolish. She sat down on the bed again and held her head on her hands.

"Oh goodness..." She muttered.

Rey walked further and sat next to her.

"It's okay." He said, as he gently patted her back.

"I am such a fool." Amelia gasped.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am. I obviously am." She repeated.

"No, you're not. You just weren't thinking at that moment. You let your emotions do the thinking for you." Rey said thoughtfully.

There was silence again in the room, except for Amelia's occasional tearful hiccups.

"Rey?" She called after some minutes.


"Kiss me." Amelia said, and turned to him, staring straight into his eyes.

"Amelia, I-"

"Just shut up and fucking kiss me," She cut in.

Rey hesitated, but Amelia didn't give him enough chance to as she pulled him by his neck and locked his lips with hers.

Rey slid his arm around her small waist and drew her even closer to him, increasing the intensity of the kiss.

He soon felt her hands moving downwards towards his dick and as if he was struck by an electric bolt, he jolted upwards.

"What?" Amelia questioned, looking up at him.

"Princess, I-we-" He stuttered as he sank his right hand into his hair nervously.

"I'm sorry." He said and walked out immediately leaving Amelia sitting on the bed in a daze..

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