
Was I Hallucinating?

Maverick POV

Staring at the angel lying beside me with her hair sprawled all over her face, I caressed the little strands covering her face. A soft yawn escaped her pouty mouth with her lashes fluttering slowly.

I smiled inwardly at the beautiful sight before me. It was a sight I cannot stop cherishing. Brynlee was my very source of happiness and for days I have been very happy.

But it was time to face reality. There were so many things that I needed to attend to as soon as possible. I needed to sort the warriors and also go for several meetings with the kings under me. I needed to catch up on information about what happened to me some days back.

I wanted to know what made me like that on that night I fought with the rogues. There was surely an explanation for all of this.

"Mave, are you okay?" Her soft voice dug into my thoughts as her eyes flickered slowly, opening with a stare directed at me.

"Yes, buttercup. You can sleep more. I need to go for a meeting with the elders," I said,
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