
A perfect wife.

Kaltain Kingdom


“I feel like a bad guy, keeping you in here for days.”

I stood in the middle of Leiyas's room. She didn't flinch when she heard my voice. I suppose she had gotten used to me appearing at random times of the day.

“What do you want?”

She grumbled, facing the right side of the bed, with her back to me. How rude. She didn't even acknowledge my presence.

“I came to see how my guest is doing? I'm not all bad Leiya, I can be good you know.”

I heard her scoff as I walked closer to her. I was feared far and wide, but this girl scoffed at me.

“If you're good, you would let me go.”

She mumbled, with a touch of sarcasm in her voice. I chuckled softly at how smart she thought she was.

“I'm not that good Leiya.”

I let my myself laugh out loud this time, and I noticed she rolled her eyes. I plunged casually into the chair metres away from her bed. I was now able to see her face properly. Her eyes were puffy, which only meant one thing.

“Have you been crying?”

The moment I asked, another tear rolled down her left cheek. She didn't move, she didn't respond. I hated it when people cried. Not because I cared about their feelings, I'm incapable of doing so. It was because I could taste their feelings, and sadness was very distasteful.

“Get up.”

I said as I got up. She shot me a perplexed look, but didn't move.

“Get up or I'll make you, and I promise you wouldn't want that.”

She groaned under her breath and sat up. I stretched out my hand towards her. She stared at my hand, and stared back at me. Her confusion was amusing.

“Give me your hand.”

“Why would I gi…”

“Just give me your damn hand Leiya.”

I hissed impatiently. She took a deep breath and cautiously placed her hand in mine. I rolled my eyes at how nervous she was. If I wanted to harm her, I wouldn't need to touch her.


I closed my eyes and hesitantly took his hand. Almost immediately, I felt a gush of cold wind. My eyes widened in excitement when I opened them. We were not in the room anymore. We stood in the middle of a big green field. The grass was cut so low, you could plunge yourself into it and have a soft landing.

“How is it spring here?”

I asked as I bent down to feel the grass with my hands.

“It doesn't snow here. Unless I want it to.”

His response made me look at him. Was he so powerful, he could influence weather? I didn't know if I could believe him. I continued to enjoy the soft, comfy feeling of the grass when I noticed a forest ahead.

“Where does that forest lead?”

I asked casually, trying not to raise his suspicion on what I was thinking. I still wasn't quiet sure if he could read minds or not, and I was being careful.

“There's a small town on the other side of the forest.”

He mumbled absentmindedly and began walking away. My mind immediately began calculating the journey I had not even began. If I could just get to the town on the other side, I would find out where I was and how to get to Nayla.

“How far is it?”

I turned to look at him and yelled.

“About a three day journey.”

He yelled back. He was now further away from me. This was my chance to leave this hell. Going three days without food and water wasn't so difficult. This was a chance to use the survival skills father spent his life teaching me. I would hunt for fish, and drink water from a shallow stream. When night comes, I would climb up a tree and rest, although keeping watch at intervals. When I finally get to the other town, I'll ask for directions on how to get to Hepthan. It was the perfect plan.

I turned behind me and my eyes searched for him. I needed to make sure he wasn't close enough to use his powers on me. My eyes caught him metres away, talking to another man. I returned my attention to the forest ahead of me. I took one very deep breath, and gathered every muscle in me to run with.

Then I took off. The strong, cold wind blew against me as I dashed for the large trees before me. It took him a short while before he realised I was breaking a run for it.


I called behind me. I knew it was him but I wasn't about to stop. I was not going to stop running until I was far away from here. The trees were coming closer and closer and a broad grin spread across my face. I was doing it. I was escaping.

“Leiya don't…”

Were the last words I heard before my body crashed violently against what felt like a wall, and everything went dark.

Hepthan Kingdom


“My mother used to make my hair into two pigtails as well.”

I said to Taera as she braided my hair. She did my hair so gently, like mother used to, and I instinctively began sharing the memories of her I had.

“Your mother sounds like a sweet soul.”

She beamed as she twisted the strands of hair together. Mudra stopped coming after Leiya was taken away, and it had been just Taera coming to care for me. We had conversation about everything. When she was around, I didn't quite feel lonely, and I hated it when it was time for her to leave.

“She was beautiful. Inside and out.”

I gushed and was about to add to what I just said when the door flung open. We immediately stopped talking, and Taera let go of my hair. I watched horrifically as Kind Degar and a slightly older looking man walked in. They both stared at me with sickening smiles on their faces. I immediately felt very uncomfortable. Taera noticed my body language and slipped her hand into mine. I held her tightly.

“You were right. She is beautiful.”

The man said and the King grinned. I tightened my grip around Taera’s fingers. My heart raced as the seconds went by and the two men nodded in approval.

“A perfect wife for your son.”

I heard the King say, and I immediately felt sick to my stomach.

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