

Kaltain Kingdom


I rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly. I noticed a candle lit chandelier, directly above me. My brain felt a little fuzzy and I couldn't remember anything. I slowly sat up and my eyes widened when I noticed the things around me. It was a bedroom. A big beautiful one.

I started to rub my temple with my thumb, hoping that my memory would come back. It didn't take long before it did. The memory of kissing Nayla on her forehead, promising her that I would be back soon, flashed through my eyes. The events that followed started to come back in bits and in no time, I remembered I was brought here against my will.

I jumped off the bed like I had seen a creature on it, and headed for the door. After a few futile attempts to let myself out, it took me a moment to realise I was trapped. I had only one option. Scream.

I started to bang my fists on the door, and scream really loudly.

“Let me out.”

I yelled the words louder each time.

“Are you trying to bring my castle down, Leiya?”

I was startled by a voice behind me. I turned around immediately to meet a man standing beside the bed. He looked familiar, and I stared at him intensely for a second.


I yelled when I realised where I had seen him. I charged at him, but halted when he suddenly disappeared.

“Yes, me.”

I turned around immediately to find him standing behind me.

“How did you…? Did you just…?”

“Disappear? Yes”

He said before I could even finish. I stared at him in horror. I had always heard legends about people disappearing, but I had never seen it happen.

“Who are you?”

Whoever this man was, he was obviously powerful. If I needed to get out of this room, my only option was dialogue.


He said simply. Once again, my eyes lit up in horror. This was Helion. I was standing in the presence of the most powerful King to ever live, at least that was what I was told. I had heard so many stories about him and his abilities. He was so powerful, he was referred to as the Prince of Hell.


I couldn't bring myself to say the words.

“The Prince of Hell, correct again Leiya.”

He flashed me a sinister grin and his pupils glistened in bright red. The hairs on the back of my neck stood erect. If all the stories I read about him were true, he could snap my neck and not even have to move.

“Don't worry Leiya, I won't snap your neck.”

He said as he walked to a chair beside the bed.

“How did you know that's what I was thinking?”

It only made me fear him even more.

“I didn't, that's just my favourite way to kill.”

He flashed me another intimidating grin when he sat down. I didn't know if I could believe him or not, but I wasn't going to risk thinking around him.

“I need to go back to Degar.”

I never thought I would ever hear myself say I want to go back to him, but I had to.

“It didn't seem to me like you two are good friends.”

He looked at me in amusement.

“We are not.”

I almost gagged at the thought of being friends with that man. I would put a dagger through his heart at the slightest chance I got.

“I need to go back for my little sister.”, I added.

He didn't look fazed or moved.

“Are you waiting for my response Leiya?”

He asked mockingly.

“I just said I need to go back there for my sister.”

I said in an almost yell. He may be powerful but he was getting on my nerves.

“That has nothing to do with me.”

He said dismissively. I looked at him in awe.

“I need to go back to Nayla. You cannot keep me here against my will.”

I growled, but he continued to stare at me in amusement.

“As a matter of fact I can Leiya, and I will.”

He shrugged his shoulders and got up. I was so angry, I didn't know what to do. I was overtaken with so much rage, I charged at him again. This time he waved his hand and I was thrown across the room. I hit the wall violently. My body shuddered in pain when I fell to the ground.

I opened my eyes slowly to notice he was standing before me. I forced myself to look up. He bent a little and looked me squarely in the eyes.

“I don't care that you have your baby sister somewhere else. Degar gave you to me and you are mine.”

He whispered, word for word, flashing his red fiery eyes at me. A second later, I was left alone. I curled up in pain and let the tears flow.


I walked through the halls in amusement after the short episode with Leiya. She knew who I was, but she continued trying to attack me. She had guts, and I liked that.


I called as I headed out of the castle.

“Yes, your Majesty?”

He swiftly came up beside me.

“Take some new clothes to our guest. Get her something to eat, and something to ease her pain.”

She was a fiesty one, but she needed to know when to keep her head low and not attack.

“Going somewhere Sir?”

I heard Calin ask.

“I'm going for a hunt.”

The sweet smell of fear was in the air. It called out to me, and I was going to find it. I took off my cloak and handed it to Calin. I closed my eyes, sniffing the air to articulate where the scent was coming from.

There it was. My eyes flung open and I ran with the wind.

Hepthan Kingdom


I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my cheek. Taera told me how Leiya was given to a demon man. They called him the Prince of Hell. She told me of the terrible things he did to people in the past and that she didn't think I would ever see Leiya again.

I couldn't help but wonder where she was. Was she even still alive or had he killed her? Father told us not to lose sight of each other before he died. I'm sorry father, I mumbled under my breath, as more tears rolled down my face.

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