
A bigger gift.

The little window in the room allowed only a small amount of light in but I could tell that the sun had risen completely. Nayla slept peacefully beside me. The bed was small so she slept fifty percent on the bed and the other fifty percent on top of me.

Mudra and Taera had been taking care of us since we got here. They would come everyday with our food and make sure we were clean. Nayla was getting a little more comfortable. She would laugh at their jokes and eagerly listen to their stories. They always had stories to tell her and she was beginning to look forward to them.

Mudra was a widow with two children. Taera was still married but with just one child. A daughter of about Nayla’s age. A guard would also come to check us once everyday. We were fed just once and left to ourselves until the next day. All we did was sleep. I turned my head when I heard the locks on the door. Nayla also moved. I knew she was excited to see the two women.

The door opened to reveal the two women as expected but something was different. They didn't look as cheerful and bright as they always did.

“Good morning dears.”

Taera smiled but I didn't feel right. Mudra closed the door behind her and sat on the bed beside Nayla.

“Leiya, you're going to come with me okay? Mudra will stay here with your sister.”

She said slowly and calmly. It was like she was saying one word at a time.

“What? Why?”

I looked at each of them in confusion. Nayla's eyes had fallen and she looked like she was about to cry.

“The King's orders dear.”

She smiled weakly but I still was not convinced.

“Do not worry about your sister.”

I heard Mudra say and I turned to her. She had Nayla holding onto her, using her fingers stroking her hair.

“She's safe with me.”

“I promise.”

She added when she noticed my hesitation. I didn't have a choice. If I didn't go, I know he would come here and harass us both.

“I'll be back before you know it, Nayla.”

She nodded slowly and I bent down to place a kiss on her forehead. Taking a deep breath, I looked at Taera. She gave me a reassuring smile and a small nod. After taking one last look at my sister, I walked through the open door. I felt instant regret as the door closed and turned back.

“We have to go dear.”

Taera said softly but ironically holding my arm tightly. A wave of fear rushed through my veins but I remembered how Father spent his entire fatherhood teaching me not to fear.

I nodded and she let go. As we walked through the halls in silence, I looked closely at each guard we passed. They didn't scare me. If I was given a sword against any one of them, I would put up a good fight. Maybe even win.

We came before two large doors that reminded me of the last moment I spent with my parents before they were murdered. The doors opened slowly and I was ushered into what looked like a court. The door closed, shutting Taera out and leaving me by myself.

I turned to find two men staring intently at me. The arrogant King Degar and a strange looking man.


“King Degar, is it?”

I watched the ugly looking man jerk up from his bed. I could taste his fear and it excited me.

“He… King Helion. How did you get here?”

He stuttered as he pulled up his covers to cover himself.

“Did you get my message?”

I asked as I looked around his room for something that would interest me.

“I apologise for the mistakes of those fools, your Majesty. They were rogue's. I did not send them to you. I mean, why would I?”

The disgusting taste of his lie replaced the sweet taste of his fear. I instantly came up right before him, standing at the edge of his bed. His eyes lit up in horror and once again, I could taste his fear.

“You send men to my kingdom in secret and now you lie to me?”

I whispered in utter disgust. I stood so close to him, I watched his adams apple retreat slowly and back up again.

“I sincerely apologise, your Majesty.”

He mumbled.

“Why don't I offer you a peace offering?”

He suggested with a small grin, sparking my interest in what he had to offer.

“I'll seize the breath from your lungs if I don't like your offer.”

His smile immediately faded and I was the one smiling instead.

“Follow me, your Majesty.”

He scurried away from me to the other side of the bed and jumped to his feet. He dashed for his robe and put it over himself.

“After you.”

I said to him when he looked at me. He mumbled some inaudible words before walking out the door. I followed behind him as he led me to another room further down the hall. On our way, he whispered some more words to a guard, sending him on his way.

We walked into the room. I housed a chair that looked like a throne , a small table and two other smaller chairs. I only wondered what this room was made for.

“Can I offer you a seat, your Majesty?”

I heard him say as he walked to the throne looking chair. I instantly sat on the chair before he took another step. He jerked again in horror.

“Yes you can.”

I said with a grin on my face. Just then the doors to the room opened and a girl was ushered in. She looked at us both in confusion. I watched her eyes closely, she looked at Degar with so much hate.

“I present to you, your peace offering, your Majesty.”

He gestured towards her and her eyes lit up immediately.

“Peace offering?”

She mumbled in disbelief.

“Shut your mouth.”

He was so quick to dismiss her.

“I am nobody's peace offering.”

She declared firmly. Her hate for him became stronger.

“I said shut your mouth or she's going to pay for your foolishness.”

Immediately her eyes lost their determination and I tasted what I couldn't taste in the beginning. Fear. She remained silent. Had she given up already?

“What is your name?”

She lifted up her eyes to meet mine.


She mumbled. Her eyes held so much emotion, it was hard to discern.

“You're mine now Leiya.”

I watched as the light disappeared from her eyes. Her face went pale and she looked like she had just seen a ghost.

“You will not take me alive.”

I looked at her in amusement and very little things amused me.

“Fine with me.”

I shrugged and waved my hand at her. She immediately fell to the floor.

“Is she.. is she dead?”

I had completely forgot Degar was in the room with us until he spoke.

“Don't be a fool. I made her unconscious.”

I stood up from his chair and walked towards the girl on the floor. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders.

“If I perceive any faint indication of your presence in my kingdom, I'll be back for you and that time I will have your head.”

He nodded hurriedly and smiled sheepishly. A moment later, I stood in the middle of my room with a girl over my shoulders.

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