
Chapter 10 Blind Date

‘I don’t owe Callie anything,’ Abby retorted defiantly. ‘She only intervened to show off and prove herself better than me. I won’t thank her for that.’

Stuart’s frustration deepened, his face reddening with anger. ‘Abby, this is not about your personal vendettas or petty rivalries. This is about patient care and professionalism. You must learn to put your ego aside and acknowledge the assistance you receive, regardless of who it comes from.’

Simon, a suave and ambitious surgeon who always had a smooth answer ready, stepped forward to defend his fiancée. ‘Mr Colman, it’s Abby’s first year as a surgical resident. Mistakes happen, especially in high-pressure situations. She was only trying to help. I can assure you that she has learned her lesson.’

Stuart glanced at Simon, his expression softened slightly. ‘Simon, as Abby’s future husband, I expect you to take good care of her at work. Ensure that she learns from this incident and improves her practice. We can’t afford any more slip-ups.’

Simon nodded earnestly. ‘You have my word, Mr Colman. Abby’s growth as a doctor is important to me, and I’ll do everything in my power to guide her.’

Stuart sighed, a mix of concern and resignation evident in his voice. ‘Abby, I hope you understand the seriousness of your mistake. Your future as a doctor rests on your ability to learn from it. Do not disappoint me.’

Abby, chastened by her father’s words, nodded solemnly.

Stuart had always been sceptical of Simon and Callie’s past relationship, but now, as he watched Simon passionately defend Abby, he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

‘Simon, I must say, your loyalty to Abby is commendable,’ Stuart said, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. ‘I have no doubt that you will take excellent care of her. And if you continue to perform well, the future here at Rosedale Hospital looks bright for you.’

Simon’s eyes sparkled behind his stylish gold-rimmed glasses as he soaked in Stuart’s words.

This was the moment he had been waiting for.

The position of director was within reach, and marrying Abby would provide him with the fastest path to the top.

He knew he had to play his cards right.

‘Thank you, Mr Colman,’ Simon replied, his voice dripping with calculated charm. ‘I assure you, I’ll give my utmost dedication both as a doctor and as Abby’s husband. Rosedale Hospital has been my home, and I’m determined to contribute to its success.’

Abby, her cheeks flushed with happiness, intertwined her fingers with Simon’s, relishing in her father’s approval.

She had always been daddy’s little princess, and this validation meant the world to her.

Stuart leaned back in his chair, his gaze shifting between Abby and Simon.

His mind danced with thoughts of the future, his cunning and self-serving nature beginning to take shape.

He had long contemplated retirement and leaving his prestigious position as director in capable hands.

Now, with Simon’s ambition aligning with his own desires, he saw a golden opportunity.

‘You know, Simon, I’ve been considering my future here at Rosedale,’ Stuart mused, tapping his fingers on the desk. ‘When the time comes for me to step down, I believe you have what it takes to lead this institution. I’m confident that you can continue the legacy I’ve built.’

Simon’s eyes widened with excitement, though he tried to maintain a composed facade.

He had always yearned for power and recognition, and the prospect of becoming the director of Rosedale Hospital was a dream come true.

He nodded eagerly, his mind already plotting his ascent to the top.

‘Mr Colman, your faith in me means the world,’ Simon replied, his voice oozing with sincerity. ‘I won’t let you down. I’ll ensure that Rosedale Hospital thrives under my leadership and that Abby’s happiness remains my top priority.’

Abby’s heart swelled with pride, her love for Simon blinding her to the ulterior motives that swirled beneath the surface.

She had always admired his ambition and determination, believing that he would always put her first.

Stuart returned Abby’s smile, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in his eyes.

His plan was falling into place, and the future looked promising.


Callie took a deep breath as she entered the café, her heart pounding with anticipation.

This blind date, set up by her friend Lily, had her feeling a mixture of reluctance and nerves.

She glanced at her watch and realised she was running late, leaving her no time to freshen up after her long day at the hospital.

She hoped her casual attire wouldn’t be a deal-breaker.

Scanning the room, Callie’s eyes landed on a man sitting in a corner booth.

He matched the photo Lily had sent her earlier—a gentleman with dark, tousled hair and a sharp jawline.

She approached the booth and offered a warm smile.

‘Hi, I’m Callie,’ she greeted, extending her hand.

The man made a noncommittal sound, not bothering to look up from his laptop screen.

Callie’s surprise flickered across her face, but she quickly composed herself.

She took a seat across from him, deciding to wait patiently for his attention.

Ordering an iced coffee, Callie tried to ease her nerves by savouring the cool beverage.

The café buzzed with conversation around them, but the man remained engrossed in his work.

It wasn’t until Callie was nearing the end of her drink that he finally closed his laptop, breaking the silence.

‘Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away when I’m working,’ he offered a perfunctory apology, his eyes meeting Callie’s briefly.

She sensed the insincerity in his tone but decided not to dwell on it.

Instead, she maintained her polite demeanour, brushing it off with a smile. ‘No worries. We all have our moments. I hope you’re not too swamped with work now.’

The man, Joshua Faulkner, introduced himself and wasted no time in getting to the point. ‘As your friend may have told you, I am the legal counsel for several multinational corporations. In our line of work, “Time is money” is more than just a saying. I hope you don’t mind if we skip the pleasantries.’

‘As a doctor, I can appreciate that sentiment,’ Callie said.

‘Good, let’s not beat around the bush,’ Joshua said, leaning back in his seat. ‘I’m not just looking for a casual fling. I want a wife. So, I hope you don’t mind if I ask a few questions to see if you fit the bill.’

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