

If you're reading this, then, thank you for sticking with us through this journey. I can only hope it was worth your while, and that you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I'm surely gonna miss writing to about Ryan's shenanigans, Sofia's love, Tyleer's curiosity, Jessi's presence, Rico, and Pete's worries, Tanya's madness, Alicia's gentleness, Ted's chubbiness, Fred's helpfulness, and Paco's wisdom.

Not that there's nothing more to say, you know there's much more lol, but I feel that this is the best point to stop.

They're all mostly happy, minusing the mishaps here, and there, and death too. But, let's save those parts for another story..

All things eventually come to an end, and so must we..

And so I bid you farewell, reader.

Thank you for picking this one up, xoxo! 

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