
Chapter 19

The color drained completely from Aurora's face.

" could this be?" she said subconsciously.

Mitchell stared at her puzzled.

"What do you mean??"

Aurora shook her head, "D-did you perform the test properly??" she began to shake

",no,no must have made a mistake!"

"Calm down,Aurora!" Mitchell saw that she was panicking "It's not good for you to panic in this state"

"No, Mitchell...this..this isn't right" she sobbed as she slid unto the floor,tears streaming down her eyes

"Aurora that's enough,this isn't good for the babies" Mitchell adviced.

Aurora continued to shake her head.

"This can't be true..." she sobbed against Mitchell's shoulder "Please say it isn't...say this is all a dream."

"I'm so sorry.." Mitchell sympathized "But..Aurora? You just got married to the can you be a month and some weeks pregnant?"

Aurora realized that she'd made a mistake by subconsciously exposing herself in front of Mitchell.

"Did he force himself on you before
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