
Chapter 20

"D-don...Don Genovese.." Amber stuttered " are you here??"

His gaze that was earlier wandering around the house turned back to her face.So sharp was it that Amber gasped,wandering how Aurora could stay in the same house with this man..

"Uhm...I mean...what a pleasure to have you here!" she quickly changed her earlier statement "Please have a seat.I will..will get something for you"

"Don't bother" he stopped her from leaving "I'm here to take her"

"Take her?" Amber feigned ignorance "So sorry Don Genovese..Aurora left a while ago."

"Is that so?" his gaze pierced deep into hers. "Whose car is outside then?"

"That...ah..." she turned speechless.

Without wasting time he began to make his way to where he guessed the bedroom must be.

Amber came and stood in front of him... fear overwhelming her entire being.

"I..I will call her out.Please don't go in..she..she might be naked" she drew in a sharp breath "And..and I don't think you'd like that"

At first he was quiet,Amber thought her statement had worked however she saw a dangerous smirk playing on his lips.

He shoved her to the other side and began walking through.

"No,please.... please..don't go there!" she shouted as her hands kept still in the air.

If it were someone else, she'd have grabbed the shirt and pulled him back but how could she do that to the Mafia?

Besides,the black tuxedo suit didn't seem like what her money can afford.More still,she didn't want her family to be on the Mafia's black list.

Above all these,she feared for her dear friend and...the pregnancy drugs..

He pushed the door open and was instantly met with Aurora's peaceful sleeping face.

A calm and warm feeling washed through his corrupted heart, erasing every torment that dwelt there.

At last, he's found his peace.

That moment,his eyes was on Aurora didn't even bother scanning the room.

However,Amber knew nothing about that.Her heart kept on palpitating.

She took a step before him into the room, blocking the drugs on the drawer side with her body.

Luca stepped in,he placed a hand on her forehead.

"Where did you take her to?" his sultry voice asked a trembling Amber

"I-" she couldn't immediately think of a lie however he didn't wait to listen..

"You were right there in front of a hospital yet you decided to go elsewhere" he scolded her and then turned back to Aurora.

He pulled the duvet off of her.His eyes widened in surprise.

Amber remembered that she'd changed Aurora's dress once they were back from the clinic.

She saw how the Mafia's burning gaze traveled down Aurora's exposed thighs.

"I..I had changed her dress" Amber explained

Without saying a word,he slipped his hand beneath Aurora and picked her up from the bed.

Just then something toppled to the floor.It caught his attention as he spinned back immediately.

Amber was smiling,however his gaze traveled down to the floor where some pills laid scattered around and the container slowly rolled out on the tiled floor.

Amber squeezed her fist as she scolded herself.While trying to place it in the drawer it slipped from her hand.

"Gosh!" she exclaimed within as she saw his eyes circle in on part of the container.

Few seconds later he walked out without saying anything.

Amber gathered the medicine and placed it in Aurora's bag,including her phone.

She zipped it closed and handed it over to him.

He nodded and crossed the door.

Once his vehicle sped off,Amber felt like she could breath properly again.

"Holy shit!" she facepalmed herself "That was close.."

She flopped on the chair.

"How is she coping?" she held her forehead "That dude is really scary!"


"Drive" his cold voice ordered.

Immediately the ride started he looked away and for the umpteenth time already.

He was really trying his best to hold back his ravenous urge from devouring her completely,yet she wasn't helping matters.

His adam's apple bulped up and down as he was unable to tear his gaze away from her thighs that were calling out to him.

He began imagining wide did his imagination become that he grew hard right there in the car.

The driver turned the car sharply,the impact making Aurora's head land on his broad yet comfortable shoulders.

He gaze lowered to her face.

Her long lashes...her elegantly carved cheekbones..and there was the tiredness.It was bold on her face.

Come to think of it, he'd been noticing such pale and tired features on her face whenever he finds himself around her.

She doesn't do much work at home so why does she end up being so tired?

Could it be she walks so hard at the hospital?

"Get me my phone" he ordered as he placed Aurora's head properly on his shoulders.

Even the driver couldn't decipher what sometimes goes on in the head of his boss.

"I want to speak to Mr Russel" he said into the phone

"I'm sorry sir,it is late at night and we-"

"This is Don Genovese." he cut her off "If you don't want me appearing in your dreams,get your f#cking boss on this call"

"Y-yes,Don..I..I apologize for earlier!" she began to stutter "I will forward your call to him right away!"

Luca hanged on.

"Hello,Mr Russel speaking?"

"I know who I called, no need introducing yourself" he remained indifferent "I'm Aurora's husband."

He noted the moment he remembered the night he'd gone to the restaurant to get Aurora.This man and the other guy were glaringly into Aurora.

Perhaps the reason for his rudeness.

"I heard she works at your hospital?"

"Not really a hospital." he tried to explain "Just a building for practices-"

"That's enough" he roared into the phone "Don't feed me bullshits"

"I've observed my wife works tirelessly at the hospital"

"Is that so?" came Mr Russel

"I don't care if it's so" retorted Don Genovese "As from henceforth get her a personal assistant and she must not leave the hospital anything later than three" he stated

Mr Russel chuckled.

"Does that sound funny to you?" inquired the Mafia "When I break your damn jaws you won't find anything funny anymore"

"Why the unusual animosity,Don? Have I,in any way offended you?" there was an obvious sarcasm in his tone

Luca didn't need to answer,instead he said..

"One thing you should know... I'm a patient man." he played with the ends of Aurora's hair-one notable habit of his.

"But when I lose my patience...the devil shivers"

Mr Russel chuckled again.This time more loudly.

"Anyways,Don.Aurora is under my control." he said firmly "Under my company"

"In other words,I get to say what she'll do.So you can cut the act,you don't intimidate me" his voice became heavier and deep.

Luca clenched his jaw.

"We'll see.." were his final words.

As he was about to rest,something buzzed beside Aurora and then a ringtone played through.

At first he ignored it..trying to tell himself that he has no business with her privacy.

However,when the call persisted he was forced to go against his mindset.

His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the caller.

"2nd Devil"

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