

Bella was pacing back and forth inside her room while chewing on her nails nervously. She had screwed up. Big Time! Damon had already been very suspicious whenever she went anywhere alone. Now with this stunt of hers, she had just made him become even more cautious. She was an idiot!

She tried to think of something to get herself out of this mess. She knew now or whenever Damon is going to make some of her mind's screw come loose with his actions or words. He was angry. Too much angry. But she was glad he had not humiliated her in front of everyone in the room. He had scolded her, but thankfully there were no bad words included. But she was already preparing herself for the upcoming storm he was going to unleash on her now.

Her eyes went to the watch, which showed twelve PM. She could not even go to college for so many days.

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
No update???? Again????
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda King
This story really needs to go somewhere because so far It’s been the same thing for a lot of chapters now where Bella does something and manages to get caught every time. It’s kinda dragging on and on and on

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