
chapter nineteen

Claire's p.o.v;

I pick myself up from my bed deciding that the moping time is officially over and look myself in the mirror. I am met with a ghost of me , the one with bloodshot red puffy eyes and heartbreak written all over her face. I go to the bathroom to wash my face before getting my clothes from the closet for a shower i so definitely need. I have washed my face but it isn't much help. My phone rings just when i leave the bathroom. It is justin videocalling me . I put it on the speaker.

"Hey babe. how are you and Mr. hotshot. I am sorry i had to end the phone in the morning . Hey, i can't see your face . Are you in the bed ,with harry?" He says cheerfully and it breaks my heart when i think of harry after he took his name . I reply but i don't show him my face yet . When he asks to see me again . I oblige because knowing him ,he can be stubborn as shit.

I pick up the phone and manage the words out ,"Hey , boobear."

"Claire, were you crying?" he asks when he notices my
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