
Chapter 60: Freya's Crush

Lena's POV

I was abruptly jolted from a peaceful sleep by a tremendous crash directly overhead, followed by muffled cursing. Heart racing, I bolted upright in the massive bed, peering around wildly.

It took a few panicked breaths to get my bearings and realize there was no attack or imminent danger. Only the patter of footsteps across the ceiling, accompanied by more thuds and colorful vocabulary.

Exhaling shakily, I wrapped a robe around myself and crept upstairs to investigate the source of the commotion that woke me at this godsforsaken hour.

Pushing open the door near the top of the stairs, I was met with a scene of chaos. The pretty blonde maid Helga stood in the midst of what looked like the aftermath of a small hurricane - smashed pottery, torn fabrics, broken furniture and assorted debris scattered everywhere.

In the center of it all stood Freya, hands planted on her hips defiantly as she surveyed the damage with a critical eye. Hearing my approach, she whirled and broke i
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