


“You! You pesky little bitch! What did you say to my husband?” I screeched, glaring at the dark-haired woman and marching toward her as she sat up suddenly on my bed.

Who the fuck did she think she was? And why was she in my room?

“After everything that had gone down, All the abuse I had to sit there and fucking take, and you didn’t even say a word!” I panted, jabbing my pink-tipped index in her face.

“Darlene, I-” Laura started before sputtering with surprise when I snatched the sleek silver chain of our friendship necklace from between the sunken dunes of her collarbone.

An odd well of satisfaction bubbled up inside me as the woman gasped, and I watched her almond-shaped eyes widen with what I thought was fear before she stood to face me, her tall buxom frame towering over me.

“Darlene, I couldn’t have-” Laura started, but I raised a hand to cut her off. I didn’t want to hear anything she had to say.

“Save it for confessionals Diego. I know it was you who showed it to Ale
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