

A large hall was decorated with fine linens and it was colorful.

There were Alpha males and females scattered all around, clinking wine glasses and networking.

The music was soft to the ears as the host went up to the stage.

"Attention everyone!" The host called out and everyone turned to look at him.

"Now, we welcome the Alpha of the Darkl Pack, Kneed Larking!" The host announced and the guests burst into a round of applause.

Swiftly and gracefully, Kneed descended the stairs with Lilian by his side. He had a neutral look on his face, while Lilian was all smiles.

She looked graceful and she complimented Kneed, so well.

As Kneed got to the foot of the stairs, he proceeded to walk up to the stage, still with Lilian by his side.

"Welcome, everyone..." He started to say. All eyes were on him, however, he wasn't fazed. There were Alpha from different Packs and even enemy Packs. Though he knew some of them were plotting against him, he didn't care.

"We have gathered here today, to promote unity among our Packs. We hope that our race will be at the forefront and we will conquer more lands..." He gave a speech.

A few minutes later, he concluded his speech, "I want to thank my beautiful lover and mate, for being part of this successful idea." He said, turning to look at Lilian who had an amicable smile plastered on her face.

He then placed a kiss on her lips and the eyes of a certain someone, far away from them, narrowed.

The guests burst into a loud round of applause at their love gesture.

Lilian was inflated with happiness and kneed was just head over heels in love with her.

"Thank you! Thank you!! Everyone." He said.

"We shall now drink, eat and be merry. There is an after-party later on, make sure you don't miss it." He said, winking, knowing what would go down in the after-party.

Soon, everyone was seated at their respective tables. Different varieties of food were served.

"Wow! They look delicious!" A woman commented and almost everyone agreed to her words.

At Kneed's table, Lilian looked at the food which was served with disgust.

However, she was quick to mask her feelings when Kneed asked her a question.

"What? Don't you like the food?" He asked, with his cutleries in hand, ready to dig in.

"Oh, I like it! It looks really nice and I can't wait to dig in! You must give the cook a raise." Lilian was quick to say, playing the role of a kind goddess perfectly.

"Sure!" Kneed said, agreeing to her words.

Thirty minutes passed and laughter filled the hall. The food was delicious and they were almost done eating. The guests started to socialize again, however, no one expected what was going to happen.

"Hello, Alpha Kneed." An Alpha walked up to Kneed.

"Nice to meet you, Alpha." Kneed greeted and was about to shake the Alpha when all of a sudden, the Alpha fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Ahhh..." A scream erupted and it reverberated through the hall.

The Alpha who had fallen to the ground, convulsed. People started to fall everywhere, in the hall.

"What's happening?" Kneed asked out loud, in panic.

His eyes roamed around and he could see his guests scratching at their bodies furiously. He looked at Lilian in concern but she was perfectly okay.

Large boils started to grow on their bodies and he was beyond confused.

"What's happening?" A person asked, as he scratched his body continuously.

"What have you done to us, Alpha Kneed? What have you given us?" Another asked, with a furious look in his eyes.

His skin was red at this point and there were red blotches on his face.

"Is this your ploy to kill us and take the Packs to yourself? You are a murderer!" Someone accused Kneed, directly without fear.

It was a moment like this the enemy Packs were waiting for. However, they were affected as well.

"No! I'll never do that!" Kneed refuted the accusation and in the next second, he held onto his stomach and uncontrollably fell to his knees.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Lilian asked, in panic, holding onto him.

"I..I.. pain!" He said, through gritted teeth. His eyes turned red and they were starting to dim.

"You have been poisoned! We have all been poisoned!" lilian said, with a gasp. There was indignation in her voice and tears started to stream down her eyes.

"Summon the cook! Summon that damned cook!" Kneed managed to order. The word poison resonated in his head and he struggled to get up.

He couldn't die! Not at this stage in his life!

"Get that Laura here, right now!" lilian screamed to the guards. Immediately they set off!

Laura was doomed!


There was loud thumping due to the guards' footsteps as they stormed into the kitchen.

"Where is Laura, the cook?" They asked one of the kitchen assistants. Their voice was thunderous and they exerted their warrior power over the mere servants.

The servants were starting to shake as they pointed toward the large pantry.

"She's there..." One of the servants said, in a shaky tone while bowing his head.

Immediately, the guards dashed toward the pantry and pushed the door open, violently.

"What's going on?" Laura turned around, with a gasp. The bowl of flour in her hands, fell to the ground with a loud thud, creating a cloud of flour.

"You have been summoned, cook." A guard said, in an arrogant tone, looking down at her. Immediately, he took large strides and got hold of her hand, and then started to drag her.

"Wait! What's going on? I have been summoned by who?" Laura asked, hurriedly.

Her eyes were wide with wonder and fear, as she thrashed about, trying to get away.

"Leave me alone! Let me go! I haven't done anything wrong!" She said, however, she couldn't escape the strong grip of the guards.

They dragged her out of the pantry and through the kitchen.

Her body became soiled with flour and dirt.

There were eyes on her, from the servants, wondering what the cook had done to deserve such treatment.

"Shut up!" One of the guards said as they dragged her into the ballroom.

There were cries of pain and agony in the air. The ballroom was starting to smell like grime and Laura wondered what was going on.

"What's going on?" She asked out loud. However, she found herself being thrown to the floor.

"Ahhh..." She screamed in pain, with her eyes closed.

A few seconds later, she opened her eyes to see her mate, Kneed curling in pain.

"What have you done, Laura? You have poisoned everyone! Do you want to murder the Alpha and everyone else?" Lilian was quick to say.

Her eyes shone with anger as she held onto Kneed.

She was the only one who was not in pain, as she had not tasted the food. She had given an excuse at the time dining was going on.

"W.. what's going on?" Laura asked, kneeling on the floor, with a confused and fearful gaze.

Her eyes were set on her mate, and her heart thudded in her chest, painfully, seeing that he was in pain.

She couldn't control herself and immediately she rushed toward Kneed.

"Are you okay? What is wrong with you?" She asked, in panic as he was her mate. All sense of reasoning flew away in her head. All she wanted was for her mate to be fine.

"Get away from me!" Kneed yelled, pushing Lilian away.

He was incredibly weak at this point and couldn't even access her.

"You murderer!" He said, pointing at her with a shaky finger.

"No! I'm not a murderer!" Lilian was quick to defend herself.

Her eyes shone with tears as she knelt down.

"Look at what you have caused! Everyone is in pain due to the food you cooked!" Kneed said, through gritted teeth.

"And you had the guts to touch me with your rotten hands!" He added, angrily.

Laura was stumped, she didn't understand what was happening.

His words pierced her heart at the thought that she couldn't even touch her mate, willingly.

"She has to be punished, Kneed! She has to pay for what she has done!" Lilian said in a loud tone.

Her eyes flashed with wickedness for a second but it was quick to go away.

She then turned to the guests and yelled, "This is the one who has caused you pain! Judgment shall be passed onto her today!" She said and there was a light sparkle from her fingers, which no one noticed.

"Yes! Judgment should be passed!" An Alpha shouted.

"I'm in a lot of pain and I'm pregnant with my cubs! Someone save my babies!" A woman shouted and truly, there was a baby bump.

Laura's body shook as she listened to all the accusations and reproach leveled against her.

She couldn't understand how someone would think she would poison everyone.

Immediately, she turned to look at Kneed.

"Alpha! Please, save me! I didn't do anything wrong!" She pleaded. She was tempted to say they are mates but it would only rile up anger.

"You are not worthy of my mercy." Kneed said, in a cruel tone, holding onto his stomach.

In the next second, he coughed out blood and Lilian screamed in panic.

"I hereby declare you a criminal and a threat to the Werewolf race. You shall be executed in due course!" Kneed declared.

Laura fell to the ground in great shock, she saw her life go by in front of her eyes, with no one to help or defend her.

Soon, she felt strong hands around her as she was dragged out and cast into prison.

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