
Chapter Forty-Two.

**Many years ago**

His eyes were bloodshot, and from the tears that had formed in his eyes, he let them flow freely, he didn't fight them.

“Derek?” A teen girl stood up from beside an older woman with who she had similar features, she went to the teenage boy who is kneeling beside the bed where an old man was laying, dying.

“He is dying.” He said, his voice already cracked, he began sobbing “Danica..” He called as he looked up at the girl beside him, she looked had tears in her eyes too “He is not gonna die right?” He asked, she only sighed, he sobbed all the more, he very well knew the answer to his question.

Danica bent to his level and patted him “We are here for you. We are your family now.” She said in a low tone trying to fight the tears that were fighting to be let out – trying to be strong for him.

“Jessie?” A frail voice called, the older woman sprang up to her feet and she rushed to his side, Derek held his hand which was shakin
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