
His Serene And Tight Embrace.

His Serene And Tight Embrace.

Kayla's POV.

"I'm back! I'm alive! I can see!"

A rush of emotions washed over me at this point, as I finally came back to life, back to the realm of reality.

It felt like a long-lost treasure to be greeted by the bright white light before my eyes, and an instinctive smile tugged at the right side of my lips.

It was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but gasp inwardly with a sense of surprise and relief.

There had been times when I believed I'd be forever trapped as a mere functioning brain, detached from the world around me.

Yet, here I was, resisting the odds and returning to the land of the living.

The mystery of how this miraculous change had occurred remained beyond my understanding.

However, one thing was crystal clear: I had an intense determination to make those responsible for my suffering pay dearly for their actions.

My thoughts turned to Kara Wills, that self-proclaimed witch of a stepsister who had inflicted so much pain upon me.

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