
I Love Her!

I Love Her!

Kayla's POV.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I strained to speak, but my voice seemed trapped, held captive by some unseen force.

To make matters worse, it appeared that no one could hear my desperate plea.

"What's happening?" Panic welled up within me as I grappled with the dreadful situation.

I found myself in an unfamiliar place, frozen in position. How had I arrived here? Where was "here," exactly?

In a futile attempt to assert my humanity, I tried to raise my hand, to signal to anyone that I was still a living, breathing person.

But my efforts were in vain. My body remained unresponsive, engulfed in an unsettling numbness.

My heart, a pulsing knot of dread, refused to turn around. My lips, sealed as if by some invisible glue, denied me the ability to utter a single sound.

My eyes remained stubbornly shut. Yet, amidst this surreal ordeal, I clung to the scary ability to hear the world around me.

How was this possible? What had happened to me? Anxiety gnawed at my eve
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