


I couldn't believe it. I thought my whole plan was going to be derailed until Freya, a f**king child, came in and told them that she hated what was going on and for them to start working it out.

I didn't know that them not conceiving would cause so many problems and make them stop having sex altogether. But maybe we might be able to get back on track. I can't deliver Ivy to Levi without her being pregnant. That was a must. I don't know why a baby is so important to Levi. I would have his baby in a second but for some reason he wants this baby. Obviously he cant just take Ivy and force her to have his baby. That's his sister and that is disgusting.

When I finally got to my room on the bottom floor of the mansion I mindlinked everyong that the meeting was still on for tomorrow night. And then I grabbed a device that I had hidden under my bed and I rewound it and pressed play.

I listened to Asher wake up and grown as he got out of bed and went to the bathroom and he had a
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goodnovel comment avatar
Oh thank goodness Axel is on the right side and was just acting!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Joyce Braswell
Good twist with Axel, I was really getting upset.
goodnovel comment avatar
Karen Tolley
oh my ok I was getting really pissed especially bc of Axel Sara too but Axel mostly. that was a good twist. when she was listening to them I was wondering if they somehow knew that she was listening.

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