
CHAP 35:{ Introduction}


I could feel the nerves coursing through my veins as Felix's words echoed in my mind. "You look nervous," he remarked,

his gaze fixed on my face. I tried to muster a reassuring smile, hoping to mask the anxiety that threatened to consume me.

"No, no," I replied, my voice quivering slightly.

Memories of the painful past resurfaced, replaying the scene in my mind when my brother and his wife had cast me out of their house, rejecting me for my choices. The wounds were still fresh, and the fear of facing them again sent shivers down my spine.

Felix parked the car in front of my brother's house, and I found myself frozen in place, staring at the familiar facade.

"Are you sure you're fine with this?" Felix asked, concern etched on his face.

I longed for his reassurance, for the strength that emanated from him, to envelop me and ease my fears.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to respond.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered, trying to convince myself as much as Felix
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