
Author: Cynthia Brown

Chapter 1

Evelyn Summers is a woman with a soft and beautiful smile. She thinks of others and hates being selfish, with a vision of grace and elegance, her every movement possessing a natural allure. With a slender, statuesque figure, she carries herself with poise and confidence. Her lustrous hair cascades in waves, framing a face adorned with features that seem crafted with care. Her eyes, sparkling with intelligence and warmth, hold a magnetic charm, drawing others into their depths.

But her beauty transcends mere aesthetics. It lies in her compassionate heart, always quick to offer a helping hand and a listening ear. Her kind nature shines through in every interaction, her words uplifting and comforting those around her. She possesses a gentle strength, a resilience that enables her to overcome challenges with unwavering determination. All these things about Evelyn drew Billionaire Richard in. He always considered marrying a woman with qualities like Evelyn's, and wanted these aspects to rub off his children. Evelyn never knew this, for she always thought her self a calm and peaceful woman without worries. She had always wanted to be married to a man who sees her and wanted her to be the best of her self, she thought while taking her early morning run, with her ear plugs on, she sang to the songs while she did her normal morning routine.

Today she met a very handsome and captivating man, with a figure commanding presence, well built with an Aura of strength and authority. She kept staring as they both ended up in the same spot. She looked at him and smiled, "hey this is my spot she said as she tried to take off her ear plugs. "A very beautiful morning to you too he replied her" with a perfect smile that radiates pure joy, lighting up the space with its brilliance. Teeth, flawlessly aligned, gleam with a pearly white shine. Lips gracefully curve, framing the stunning display. Confidence and warmth emanated from him, captivating all who behold it. It was a radiant expression of beauty and happiness. She was stunned, Evelyn had been with men as beautiful and gracious as this but never has she been this captivated by a mare smile.

This would be the beginning of a life both never intended but finding each other would bring a fulfilling and accepting life they never thought possible. But secrets lingered in the dark as both chooses to stand by each other, as dark as the secrets comes, that much darkness lingers.

Richard a divorcee with two kids had always thought women are full of shit and never contributed more than sex, this had shapped his thinking and had destroyed his previous marriage, but not withstanding, he sort for a better life and a more understanding woman willing to stand by him and his beautiful kids Isabella and Drake. Today he met a gorgeous lady, and as fate may have it, a beginning of something rear and beautiful was in view.

Few months after their encounter, Evelyn Summers and Richard had drawn very close and created something beautiful, they were the closest of friends, sharing laughter, secrets, and dreams. Their connection deepened with every passing moment, a bond built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support. They stood by each other's side through life's ups and downs, providing comfort and encouragement.As time went on, their friendship blossomed into something more profound. They discovered a profound love, realizing they couldn't imagine a life without one another. The warmth of their friendship merged effortlessly with a passionate romantic connection, forming a solid foundation for their future together. Richard had always taken note of her relationship with his kids and how welcoming she had been with the idea of having a man with kids not being a barrier to her, he wanted so badly to hold her on such occasions and this made every thing the more clearer to him.

He had checked all the boxes and it was time to pop the question. He had arranged a dinner at an exquisite restaurant not too far from the spot they had their first meeting, underneath a breathtaking sunset, with hues of gold and pink painting the sky, he had made a beautiful table in a place of deep meaning to their relationship. Soft music played in the background, setting the scene for an intimate and romantic atmosphere. Evelyn walked in, crafted from the finest satin, her dinner gown drapes her figure in a symphony of sophistication, it flows with a gentle fluidity, cascading down in soft, luxurious folds, she looked gorgeous. Richard could nearly breath, she shot a smile his way, making him blush like a kid. He pulled out her chair and pured her a wine when she was well sitted.

He cleared his vocals as he began, " Evelyn he started, with admiration and a love that words could not adequately describe, he looked deep into her eyes. He felt the weight of the ring in his pocket, a reminder of their shared goals, and her radiant smile warmed his heart. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation at this precise moment. He started to speak, his words dancing delicately in the air, his voice a mixture of nervousness and unwavering confidence.

Each sound carried a deep love that had developed and grown, fusing their hearts together. He talked about their journey, the joys and sorrows they had shared, and the unbreakable bond they had grown. She paid close attention as her heart ached from emotion. She saw the extent of his devotion, and tears welled up in her eyes. The entire world went silent and appeared to be holding its breath in awe of the event. A silent dialogue between two souls that were incredibly connected played out on their faces in the form of a symphony of emotions.

Then, in a low whisper, he spoke the four sacred words that could, if spoken, alter their course in life forever. Will you marry me? She experienced a wave of emotions that caused her to cry joyfully as they cascaded down her face. With the entrancing symphony of nature surrounding her, her heart soared and a resounding "yes" reverberated throughout the night. Their souls united at that precise moment, and the entire world rejoiced in their bliss.

That night they had a passionate love making, such that none had ever done, he kissed her so soft and passionately, her skin felt like satin in his hands, her lips soft and tender, she smelled like sun flower, her touch burned through his skin to his heart. This was not what he expected, she got to him in all aspect and he loved it with every ounce in him.

Evelyn had been in so much bliss she forgot that one thing that always thong at her heart. The one strange man that knew her better than anyone she ever knew, better than her husband to be. A demon she feard with everything in her, a sex god and a manipulator. He was more than a man, a strange sense of belonging she felt when she was around him, Alexander, the king of everything evil, the one who brought the best of her and the worse in her. Scary how he would spring up from thin air and thong at her like a spare, a demon waiting for her to move on then draw her right back to the beginning. Secrets stood between her and her new life secrets that could ruin her without lifting a finger. A secret that she once source after, now she dreaded so much.

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