

"Then we're more than friends, because we fuck a lot, all the time. Understand, Sabrina, nothing will change between you and me. Whether Arabella is with me or not. Whether Arabella is married or not. I do not want you."

"It will change when your reputation is at stake," she threatened.

When Damon decided to break up with Sabrina, he did not think she would become a problem. The model used to be a woman always balanced and mature for the kind of relationship they had.

However, at that moment, the man realized he was dealing with the devil.

"For you to be threatening me, you have no idea the level of fuck we have," he said, just to provoke her.

"You would not tarnish your image over a fuck," Sabrina insisted.

"Since my sex life is so interesting, let me correct you. It was more than one."

"You can't be serious..."

"I think we're done here, right?" he interrupted her.

And then it was Sabrina's turn to be surprised. She had known Damon for many years, and had never seen him defend a rel
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