


I woke up the next morning, determined to face the day with a positive outlook. After a quick breakfast, I headed to work, ready to dive into my tasks. The office buzzed with activity as usual, and I settled into my routine, tackling emails and organizing my schedule.

Around mid-morning, I received an unexpected message from my manager requesting my presence in his office. Curious and slightly apprehensive, I made my way down the familiar corridors to his door. As I entered, I noticed a man standing beside him, tall and impeccably dressed, with a confident smile.

"Good morning, Eva," my manager greeted me warmly. "I'd like you to meet Aaron. He's from our partner company and will be collaborating with you on the upcoming project."

Aaron extended his hand, his smile widening. "Nice to meet you, Eva. I've heard great things about your work."

I shook his hand, taken aback by his charm and good looks. "Nice to meet you too, Aaron. I'm looking forward to working together."

My man
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