
Attack again


I pulled my hand back, resisting her touch. “It’s not that simple. Trust isn’t something you can just rebuild with a few sweet words. You let me down, Livia. You showed me where your priorities really lie.”

Her face fell, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of genuine regret. “I know I made mistakes, Tristin. But I want to make things right. Please, give me another chance.”

I stared at her, weighing her words. But the hurt and betrayal were still too fresh, too raw. “I need time to think,” I said finally. “Right now, I need to focus on the company and clearing my name completely. We’ll talk later.”

Her eyes filled with tears, but she nodded slowly. "Okay, Tristin. I’ll give you time. But please, don’t shut me out completely."

I didn’t respond, turning my attention back to the papers on my desk. After a moment, she quietly left my office, the door clicking shut behind her.

As Livia left the office, I turned back to my work, trying to shake off the tension from our conversat
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