


I couldn't believe I got the job.

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs because this was a dream come true.

I was even more excited to break the news to my foster mom.

When I opened the door to our wrecked apartment I was met with the worried gaze of my mom.

"Thank God Eva." She sighed in relief.

I hugged her tightly almost at the verge of tears.

"Where have you been I was worried sick." She said to me

"Mom." I choked with a sob"I got the job."

"Honey that is wonderful." She said.

She welcomed me inside and I told her everything that happened.

"I'm really glad to hear that." She replied.

"You should invite Sophie for dinner, it's been a long time since we saw each other and I would like to personally thank her for the job."My mom said.

I gave it some thought but given Sophie's financial status, I didn't think it was a good idea to invite her to this shabby junkyard.

"I'd love that," I replied flashing a forced smile so Mom wouldn't be worried.

I cared about this woman a lot though she wasn't my biological mother.

She took really good care of me though she wasn't financially buoyant.

My mom died during childbirth and my dad bailed out from my mom when he found out she was pregnant because he didn't want to be tied down by responsibility.

Sometimes I wondered if she would still be alive if he didn't run away.

Now all I have is my foster mom who raised me.

Due to her medical condition, she couldn't have children, which led to her husband divorcing her.

After the divorce she adopted me and I've been living with her ever since.

"Eva there's something you need to know." Mom said.

I noticed her mood wasn't too bright and I got really worried.

"Mom, what is it?" I asked hastily.

Mom exhaled, with her shoulders slumped and I knew she was having a hard time finding the right words to say.

I reached out and held her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

"Mom, what's going on? You know you can tell me anything." I assured her.

"The rent has been due for some time and I've not been able to raise the money for the rent." Mom explained.

"I've got a job now so we don't have to worry too much about the rent money but we just have to explain things to the property manager I'm sure he'll..."

"Sweetie," Mom said to me with a concerned look on her face, 'We have been given a verdict to evacuate the building in the next twenty-four hours.'"

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

Mom doesn't answer me. She slumps on the old couch, sighing in exhaustion.

It was as if I stepped into a nightmare, there was no way I was going to be able to raise the rent money in just twenty-four hours.

"Mom you should have said something earlier, maybe I would have gotten a part-time job pending till I got a sophisticated one. " I said.

"I'm your mom, I am supposed to take care of you."

My mom worked as a cleaner in a hotel, but back at home, she used to be the janitor at my school.

That was how I got the name janitor's kid.

The kids in high school used every slight opportunity to bully me for my background.

High school was horrible and now reality was even worse.

"Mom," I said softly, placing my hand on her shoulder. "I understand that you've always taken care of me, but now it's my turn to take care of you. Let me be here for you."

"Eva what are we going to do now." Mom's voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry I'll fix this," I replied.

My mind began to run through any possible means I could use to get money.

Suddenly my mind flashed to Sophie and I knew she could offer some help.

On second thought I was reluctant to ask her for help I didn't want to seem like a leach on her finances.

I took my phone and explained everything to her.

She told me she was on her way and when she comes we'll find a solution.

Mom and I heard a bang on the door.

She ordered me to stay calm then went over to the door.

Before Mom even had a chance to open the door, it was forcefully burst open and a group of men stormed in, grabbing hold of us and dragging us outside.

I was forced on my knees and so was mom.

"Let my daughter go. I'm the one who owes you money." Mom yelled.

I raised my gaze towards the men in front of me and they were no other than the loan shank my mom allegedly told me she had settled.

I threw my glance at Mom and she turned her gaze away after giving me an apology look.

I couldn't believe what was going on, I couldn't believe she lied.

"Shut up old lady, you promised to give us the payment last week but you bailed out on us do you think I was going to let you off with my money." The man who I assumed to be the leader groaned in anger.

"Sir please, I was going to give you the money but something came up I promise by the end of this week I will give you full payment." Mom pleaded.

Once again my mom was in this condition because of me.

The money she took from the loan shank was used to settle my college expenses.

I was able to win a scholarship in high school and college but accommodations and other expenses I had to cover up for myself.

"I'm not here for stories. I am here for my money and if you don't give me it's going to get messy." The leader said clenching his fist.

"Sir please I promise to give you the money by tomorrow." I pleaded.

The leader furiously turned his gaze at me with a scowl over his face.

"How dare you speak to me like that" he yelled.

He gripped the collar of my shirt with his fist clenched and was about to descend on my face when someone grabbed his hand.

"Senior Tristan," I muttered In a low tone.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her." Tristan narrowed his eyes with a death stare.

I got chills just looking at this new expression he had.

"Oh my God Eva." Sophie rushed over to my side and pulled me up.

Tristan flung the man's hand away and had a disapproving frown on his face.

"Who are you to interfere in this matter." The leader yelled at Tristan.

"How can you bully the weak, aren't you ashamed of yourself? They promised to give you the money by tomorrow so why are you being aggressive." He replied in a calm tone.

"Bully?" The leader scoffed with his hand on his hips "I am just here to collect what's mine and you are getting in my way." The leader replied.

"Since you desperately want to know what bullying looks like. Boys teach this young man a lesson." The leader said harshly to his men.

I rushed over to Mom so she wouldn't get involved in the crossfire with Sophie by my side.

In just a matter of minutes, the men were rolling on the floor groaning in pain and I was really surprised.

I glanced over to Sophie and her mouth was wide open. She was just as shocked as I was.

Tristan was going over to meet the leader but he quickly stepped back in fright.

"Please young master I don't want any trouble. I just want my money after that I won't ever appear in front of your wife I swear." The leader pleaded on his knees.

Wife! Geez this man was dumb, if I were the wife of the great Tristan Wellington would I be staying in this shabby shack?

Tristan held a smirk on his face, feeling very proud as he panted softly.

During this fight his dark slick hair had fallen to the side and he looked devilishly handsome.

I quickly shook my head to bring myself back into reality.

"How much is the money, I'll pay for everything," Tristan said.

At this point, I think my eyes popped from their socket because I blacked out for a moment.

"You don't.."

I was about to go over to Tristan but Sophie immediately pulled me back and hushed me up.

Even the leader was perplexed for a moment.

"Why are you surprised?" Tristan smirked "If you had let me explain you would have already gotten your money." He laughed.

"Boss I'm sorry ." The leader and his men pleaded on his knees.

In just a minute our debt was cleared, Tristan bid the loan shank and his men farewell and then he turned to us.

I noticed he had a frown on his face as he stared at our apartment.

A sense of shame washed over me and I dropped my head to the ground.

"The company has bestowed a residence and a sleek car. Your apartment is ready, you are moving in tomorrow." Tristan dropped the bombshell.

"What?"I exclaimed, my eyes widening in disbelief at Tristan,

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