


When Sophie told me that she was recommending someone for the position of Business development manager.

I was shocked at first because since she came back from college we barely ever spoke unless it was extremely necessary.

Our relationship as step-siblings wasn't the greatest but we had to move past our differences so we could work together.

I needed a business development manager because I fired the last one because of his incompetence so I had to agree.

I battled through shock and amazement when I saw the person Sophie recommended.

There was no way I'd ever forget her in this lifetime.

It was Eva Alfred, she was my sister's best friend and I used to have a huge crush on her but I never pursued that interest.

She was my junior and when I asked Sophie about her friend she warned me to stay away and she told me Eva had a boyfriend.

I was heartbroken but I kept it to myself and watched her from afar till I graduated and I never saw her again.

Seeing her after all these years,I held a bit of excitement but I had to maintain my cool.

She was still beautiful as ever although she looked a bit pale but it didn't ruin her perfect smile.

"What are you smiling about?" Sophie hissed.

I turned to meet her stern gaze with a frown hanging over her face.

"It is none of your business," I replied.

"Whatever." She replied rolling her eyes as she walked to the car.

Dad called a family meeting and insisted we come together despite knowing the fact that we do not get along.

I sighed realizing this was going to be a long ride home.

Sophie hates me it's no doubt but I knew it was my fault.

My mom died when I was only five then dad remarried Sophie's mom and then she had Sophie.

I was jealous that my dad had a new family so even when Sophie would always want to play with me I chased her away.

Now she grew up being distant and she doesn't hide the fact that she resents me.

Growing up I realized that I was really stupid as a kid so I tried to write my wrong by trying to be nice to Sophie but she already hated me.

"I wonder why Dad wants us to go together." Sophie frowned as she crossed her arms.

"It will look good on the camera, lately the reporter noticed that our relationship isn't what it seems, and their unto us," I said, with my gaze on my phone.

"and besides the father wants us to have family bonding time," I added.

"You're not my family, you already made that clear enough." She rolled her eyes.

I felt bad at her words because I wanted us to be a family but I already ruined my chance.

Gaining her trust was going to take time but I was determined to have a good relationship with my little sister.

We took a seat at the dining table and my father was really happy to see us together.

"I'm glad to see the two of you are here in one piece, I was beginning to think you had strangled each other to death." My father said with a smile.

"I wanted to," Sophie smirked as she forked a beef into her mouth.

"Sophie! That is no way to talk to your brother," Mom exclaimed.

I called her mom now because growing up I realized life isn't always what it seems and she really loved my dad.

Not to mention she took care of me since I was little and I've grown to care about her a lot.

"Stepbrother." Sophie corrected.

"Sophie!" Mom exclaimed again.

"It's alright Mother, Sophie is still a child, just let her be," I said.

"I'm not a child." Sophie frowned.

"Princess, don't mind him." Dad pleaded.

Dad doted on Sophie so much because he always wanted a daughter so he spoiled her rotten while I was close with Mom.

"Honey," Mom whined.

"Let's leave it at least they are here," Dad said waving Mom off.

"The issue of finding the business development manager, has it been solved?" Dad asked.

"Sophie recommended someone and I'm sure she's the perfect person for the job," I remarked.

I noticed my parents furrowed their brows as they stared at me.

"She must be really extraordinary because I've never heard you compliment anyone." My father said.

I felt a bead of sweat over my head when she noticed their intense gaze.

"Since she is recommended by Sophie I'm sure she will be nothing less than expectations," I replied.

"Sophie doesn't like to concern herself with HR stuff so I'd really love to meet this extraordinary young lady." Mom winked at me.

"How is the axel project going?" Dad asked.

"We have gotten feedback from the forge corporation," I replied.

Forge Corporation was a marketing firm that dominated the business world.

"They agreed to our terms and they'll probably send a representative by the end of this week so they can work with our team." I continued.

"An excellent job, the Axel project should be out in the market by the end of this month." My father remarked.

"Sophie you should learn to be hardworking like your older brother." Mom said to Sophie.

Sophie glared at me as she aggressively chewed the food in her mouth.

"I was the one who set up the meeting with Forge Corporation so I don't know why Mom is being Tristan's fan girl."

"Why can't you just be nice to your brother for once." Mom said shaking her head.

Sophie's phone buzzed and I caught sight of the caller ID, it was Eva.

My interest perked up I tried to strain my eyes to eavesdrop on the conversation but I failed miserably.

Sophie drops her phone in her bag and turns to our parents.

"I'm really sorry but I have an important errand to attend to." She said taking her purse.

"Sweetheart but you haven't finished dinner yet?" Mom said hurriedly.

"Mom I have to go," Sophie replied.

"Princess you are always running off," Dad complained.

"I promise I'll come back early." Sophie gave a smile.

She goes over to our parents and kisses them on the cheek.

"How about I give you a ride." I offered.

The air was silent and everyone's gaze lingered with interest.

"You want to give me a ride," Sophie said, trying to make sure she heard correctly.

"That's a great idea," Dad said quickly before she turned the offer down.

I knew the person she was going to meet was Eva and I couldn't just pass on this offer of seeing her again.

"Why does he have to go with me?" Sophie grumbled.

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