
Leave Livia


"Who are you taking to dinner without me?" I heard a voice from behind.

I spun around and there stood a beautiful girl. Her long blonde hair was cascading down her back and she was dressed very elegantly. She looked older than me but I knew she wasn't really older. It didn't matter anyway. The way I felt whenever our eyes met made me feel like I was floating above the ground.

I was frozen, her name was Livia, my bully and worst nightmare back in highschool.

I couldn't stop staring at her and my heart was beating rapidly.

"Eva, this is my fiancee Livia," Tristan introduced us.

I shook her hand shyly trying desperately to hide that I was trembling in fear.

"Nice to meet you Eva." She smiled warmly.

"It is good to finally meet you." I managed to choke out.

"Let me take your stuff." Tristan offered, looking between me and Livia.

"Oh no, please don't trouble yourself. You've already done quite enough. Thank you though." I smiled weakly.

"I insist." He grabbed two boxes from my hands.

I felt my cheeks heat up when our hands touched and my heart started racing again.

Livia turned to leave and Tristan stopped her "Do you mind leaving early tonight or would you rather stay?"

She turned around and gave him an odd look before answering "I'd rather not spend any longer with her than necessary."

"Oh okay," He said, confused by her response, "Just call if you need anything."

Tristan turned away from the door and walked towards the stairs.

Livia walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder "I think I'll stay, what do you think Eva?"

"Yes." I mumbled "Are you ok with staying?"

"Of course." She replied, smiling kindly, "It's been years since we last saw each other."

I swallowed hard, I could not believe that the one girl that had made my life a living hell in highschool was engaged to Tristan, I felt hurt.

When did I lose sight of reality?

I didn't have time to think about how stupid I must have seemed in front of her because I immediately realized that I was now living with her fiance.

"Why are you wearing those heels? You don't need them anymore" She commented, eyeing my feet. "The heels are old and worn out, you should get rid of them...oh wait, you're still poor right?" She let out a wicked laugh.

She was back to bullying me, I felt tears sting me at the corner of my eyes.

"I don't think this is something you should discuss with a complete stranger-" Tristan began as he joined us again but Livia cut him off.

"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked turning to Tristan "Is this a hookup?"

Tristan's eyebrows furrowed and I felt anger boil inside me. How dare she talk about me like I was nothing more than an object to her?

"No, this isn't a hookup." He spat.

"Well it clearly feels like one." She snarled.

"Leave her alone. If you want a fight, go find a guy who will give you one." His tone was icy cold.

"Livia, me and Nr Tristan did not hook up, I promise you that." I said as I was seriously trying to calm the situation.

Tristan gave me a strange look before grabbing my luggage and walking away.

Livia looked taken aback and for the first time I thought she looked uncomfortable. I watched him until he disappeared and took a deep breath. This was exactly what I wanted. Someone to hate and resent so that they wouldn't notice me. And this bitch was doing just that. She was going to make a fool of me every chance she got just like everyone else.

"Oh hi Livia, didn't see you there." Sophie said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at Livia, it seemed to me that she did not like Livia.

"How have you been?" She said sarcastically as she pulled her phone from her pocket "I bet you haven't gotten laid in months."

Livia's jaw tightened as she glared at Sophie "If you were smart, you'd know how to keep your mouth shut."

I sighed softly, I knew better than to join in on their conversation, I felt like I was stuck between two rivals.

The last thing I needed was an intervention right now.

"Yeah well, I'm the best person in the world." Sophie sneered.

"And I'm the queen of England, you wouldn't know it. You only exist to annoy others and I can guarantee it's getting old, I mean come on, you're no longer eighteen, grow up Sophie. You're even friends with a pauper."

Her words hit me harder than I expected and she smirked victoriously as her gaze settled on me and stayed. She was clearly waiting for someone to jump in and say something to defend me or at least try to stop her. I decided to stand my ground.

"Wow Livia you are a real piece of work aren't you?" Sophie mocked.

"Oh and you're no better." I shot back.

Livia raised her eyebrows before letting out a laugh "That was the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"Get out of here Livia." Sophie demanded angrily.

"Watch it you little slut!" Livia threatened but then laughed loudly "You know what, I bet you won't be saying this after I get married to Tristan!"

"That's enough for both of you!" Tristan shouted angrily and I instantly snapped my head toward him and saw the furious expression on his face.

Livia's gaze locked onto his and she smirked smugly.

Then, much to my surprise Tristan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me protectively against his chest.

"Leave immediately Livia!" Tristan commanded.

"But..." she hesitated.

"NOW!" He yelled.

As soon as her legs moved to walk away, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"There's no need to thank me, Eva." He replied "This was nothing compared to what you have been through."

"You saved my life." I told him honestly.

His eyes softened slightly as he gazed down at me.

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