
Hook up

"What is going on?" Tristan yelled as he noticed his house was packed up with servants moving in with different boxes.

"Good morning brother, your roommate has arrived," Sophie smirked.

"Sophie it is eight in the morning." Tristan groaned.

"Sorry if I woke you up but I had to move in early so I could help Eva when her stuff arrived."

"Right." He gave a nod "How did you even get the keys to my apartment." I asked.

She flashed a key over his face.

"Dad gave them to me."

Now I was sure that Tristan was starting to wonder why he had given his Dad the spare keys in the first place.

"She's here."

Tristan felt his heart leap with joy as he fought hard not to smile.

My apartment was just opposite his and I followed Sophie outside.

The workers were already helping me unpack my stuff and taking them to the apartment.

Sophie hugged me and when I noticed that Tristan was still there I flashed a warm smile at him.

He held his breath thinking his heart was about to explode.

"Good morning Mr. Wellington."

"Please call me Tristan We are not in the office." He corrected.

"I'll be back, I want to help your mom set up the stuff," Sophie said.

"I should help .."

"Don't worry I'm here." Sophie cuts me off.

She gives Tristan a wink and then goes into the house.

I blinked my eyes wondering what Sophie was up to.

"Thank you for everything." I smiled "I'm starting to think I won't be able to repay you and your sister for all your kindness."

"You can repay me over dinner," He said, surprising me.

"Who are you taking to dinner without me?" I heard a voice from behind.

I spun around and there stood a beautiful girl. Her long blonde hair was cascading down her back and she was dressed very elegantly. She looked older than me but I knew she wasn't really older. It didn't matter anyway. The way I felt whenever our eyes met made me feel like I was floating above the ground.

I was frozen, her name was Livia, my bully and worst nightmare back in highschool.

I couldn't stop staring at her and my heart was beating rapidly.

"Eva, this is my fiancee Livia," Tristan introduced us.

I shook her hand shyly trying desperately to hide that I was trembling in fear.

"Nice to meet you Eva." She smiled warmly.

"It is good to finally meet you." I managed to choke out.

"Let me take your stuff." Tristan offered, looking between me and Livia.

"Oh no, please don't trouble yourself. You've already done quite enough. Thank you though." I smiled weakly.

"I insist." He grabbed two boxes from my hands.

I felt my cheeks heat up when our hands touched and my heart started racing again.

Livia turned to leave and Tristan stopped her "Do you mind leaving early tonight or would you rather stay?"

She turned around and gave him an odd look before answering "I'd rather not spend any longer with her than necessary."

"Oh okay," He said, confused by her response, "Just call if you need anything."

Tristan turned away from the door and walked towards the stairs.

Livia walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder "I think I'll stay, what do you think Eva?"

"Yes." I mumbled "Are you ok with staying?"

"Of course." She replied, smiling kindly, "It's been years since we last saw each other."

I swallowed hard, I could not believe that the one girl that had made my life a living hell in highschool was engaged to Tristan, I felt hurt.

When did I lose sight of reality?

I didn't have time to think about how stupid I must have seemed in front of her because I immediately realized that I was now living with her fiance.

"Why are you wearing those heels? You don't need them anymore" She commented, eyeing my feet. "The heels are old and worn out, you should get rid of them...oh wait, you're still poor right?" She let out a wicked laugh.

She was back to bullying me, I felt tears sting me at the corner of my eyes.

"I don't think this is something you should discuss with a complete stranger-" Tristan began as he joined us again but Livia cut him off.

"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked turning to Tristan "Is this a hookup?"

Tristan's eyebrows furrowed and I felt anger boil inside me. How dare she talk about me like I was nothing more than an object to her?

"No, this isn't a hookup." He spat.

"Well it clearly feels like one." She snarled.

"Leave her alone. If you want a fight, go find a guy who will give you one." His tone was icy cold.

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