


After a lot of arguing and our parents pushing for it, Sophie finally agreed to go for the ride.

"What's going on with you?" Sophie asked.

"What?" I asked with my gaze fixed on the road.

"You're being nice and it's annoying," Sophie replied.

"Is it wrong for me to be nice to my baby sister?" I raised a brow at her.

"For you yes. It is." she crossed her legs firmly against the other.

"Have you forgotten what you did to me in high school? You hate me so stick with it. Seeing you act all nice is making me nauseous." Sophie rolled her eyes.

I bite my jaws inwardly when I remember one of my stupid moments.

I remember being so mad when my dad told me that Sophie would be going to the same high school as me.

I was the one who came up with the idea that we should pretend to be strangers when we got to school.

I wanted to take it back right away, but my pride stopped me from admitting how dumb I was.

Sophie started dating one of my friends and I knew he was a Casanova.

I tried to tell Sophie but she didn't believe and was adamant that I wanted to destroy her relationship.

I overheard him talking about how he was going to take my sister's virginity and turn her into a joke at school.

My brotherly instinct kicked in and I pounced on him like a tiger and beat him up to a pulp then I warned him to stay away from Eva.

He broke up with her immediately and started the rumor that we were dating.

Since then nobody ever made any advances toward Sophie.

She hated me but that was the only way I could protect her.

"It was for your protection," I replied not staring at Sophie.

"Big brother of the year." She ticked her tongue.

When we got to the address I was shocked to see Eva being rough-handled by some men.

He was about to hit her when I dashed out of the car.

My blood was boiling seeing other men even close to her.


After we left Eva's apartment Sophie was staring at me with an intense gaze but I Ignored her.

I knew she had many questions but I didn't even want to talk about it.

"Tristan you're being suspicious," Sophie said.

"I was just trying to be nice and besides we are family, your problem is my problem," I said, hoping this would ease her questions.

"Really? you helped Eva because of me?" She smirked.

"Yes, why else would I?" I said between my teeth.

I didn't look at her because I was nervous.

"Wow so you flexed your athletic skills, gave Eva a luxurious suite in your building and even a car all because of me. That's nice but I find it hard to believe." Sophie smirked.

Maybe I did too much but there was no way I could have left without doing anything.

I forced a smile and then turned to Sophie.

"Miss Eva is our business development manager so it's natural that she is entitled to such benefits," I replied, feeling proud of my smooth response.

Sophie chuckled and I was amused to see my sister that way with me.

"I know but it usually takes up to a week to get everything ready plus there's supposed to be some paperwork and stuff..." Sophie rolled her eyes" Whatever it is the HR department does."

When I didn't answer Sophie leaned forward towards me.

"Are you breaking protocol Mr wellington." She smirked.

I could feel the tension but deep down it warmed my heart that we were having a conversation that wasn't filled with disdain.

"You're my sister and seeing Eva happy makes you happy so why don't you understand," I replied.

She doesn't believe me but I more than anyone knew the kind of bond Eva and Sophie shared.

I did it to make Sophie happy but deep down, I knew my feelings for Eva were also a part of it.

"If Eva is going to be staying in your building I want to stay there too," Sophie said.

I quickly turned my gaze to my sister.

"You also want an apartment in my building?" I asked.

"Nope, I want a room in your apartment." She replied.

"What?" I half yelled.

"What is what? Didn't you say you want to see me happy? So you shouldn't hesitate on this request." She said.

"This little.." I gritted my teeth.

"Little what." She barked.

"Little angel." I forced a smile.

Mom and Dad were going to be happy with this development but I couldn't help but wonder if she had an ulterior motive.

Throughout the drive home, Sophie hummed happily.


The next day I was woken up by the sound of luggage rolling into my house.

I jumped from the bed and rushed down the stairs.

"What is going on?" I yelled as my house was packed up with servants moving in with different boxes.

"Good morning brother, your roommate has arrived," Sophie smirked.

"Sophie it is eight in the morning." I groaned.

"Sorry if I woke you up but I had to move in early so I could help Eva when her stuff arrived."

"Right." I gave a nod "How did you even get the keys to my apartment." I asked.

She flashed a key over my face.

"Dad gave them to me."

Now I was starting to wonder why I gave Dad the spare keys in the first place.

Sophie's phone beeps and she cheers excitedly.

"She's here."

I felt my heart leap with joy as I fought hard not to smile.

Eva's apartment was just opposite mine and I followed Sophie outside.

The workers were already helping Eva unpack her stuff and taking them to the apartment.

Sophie hugged Eva and when Eva noticed I was there she flashed a warm smile at me.

I held my breath thinking my heart was about to explode.

"Good morning Mr. Wellington."

"Please call me Tristan We are not in the office." I corrected.

"I'll be back, I want to help your mom set up the stuff," Sophie said.

"I should help .."

"Don't worry I'm here." Sophie cuts Eva off.

She gives me a wink and then goes into the house.

I blinked my eyes wondering what Sophie was up to.

"Thank you for everything." Eva smiled "I'm starting to think I won't be able to repay you and your sister for all your kindness."

She looked so warm and beautiful under the sunlight and I could feel my heart thumping in my chest.

"You can repay me over dinner," I said.

She was shocked and I didn't even know when the words came out.

"Who are you taking to dinner without me." I heard a voice from behind.

I spun around and there stood my fiancee, Livia.

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