
Author: Angel Ilikah

Finally, a job!


Once again, I faced disappointment as my job application was turned down.

The directors didn't even bother to conduct the interview all it took was one glance and I was discarded like I was trash.

One of the director's harsh words still rang in my head, piercing through my heart whenever I recalled them.

"We don't take the likes of you in this profound establishment. Get LOST."

I have been searching for a job for months, but no one seemed to want to hire a recent college graduate with no experience.

Or it's probably because of current social status.

One glance at me and one could easily tell I was at the bottom of the food chain.

I thought moving into New York was going to make things different but it only seemed to make things worse.

In this elite city, Fortune can only smile upon you when you are hard-working or decide to go through dubious means.

On many occasions, I wanted to choose the latter because it seemed fate didn't want my hard work to pay off but my foster mother's words would always echo in her heart.

"You're smart, Eva. You'll make something of yourself. I'm sure of it."

She would encourage me, I called her my beacon of light in this overwhelming darkness.

I heard a growl from my stomach and I winched in pain.

I clenched my stomach hoping it would subside the pain but to no avail.

After deliberating on what to do I decided to get myself lunch and then walk back home.

As I turned hoping to find a restaurant, I bumped into a familiar face.

I was shocked to see Sophie my best friend from high school but we got separated when we chose a different college.

"Eva! Oh my god, it's been ages!" Sophie exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.

It warmed my heart knowing she was happy to see me just like I was seeing her.

I hugged her back, feeling overwhelmed with so many emotions.

"Sophie, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in California." I asked.

Sophie had been my best friend since high school we were inseparable but after graduation, she went to a business school In California.

We promised to keep in touch with each other but somehow we lost contact.

"After college, my family forced me to come back home to be part of the family business else they'll cut me off." Eva sulked.

I gave a small smile, Sophie was my best friend but sometimes I couldn't help but feel jealous of her.

unlike me, she didn't have to struggle to get everything she wanted.

If I remember correctly she was the only daughter of some wealthy business tycoon.

"Eva, what are you doing here In New York? I thought you went to Chicago for college so I assume you'll be staying there." Sophie asked curiously.

I knew she was really worried about me when she scanned my appearance.

I was about to speak when my stomach gave me away with a growl and I dropped my head in shame.

"I have some snacks in my car if you want." She offered.

I exhaled in relief because I was already thinking of how I was going to use my bus money for lunch and then walk miles home.

Sophie's car was a luscious limo just by the side and it wasn't far off from where we were.

Her driver opened the door for us and I made myself comfortable inside.

Sophie gave me a hamburger and I dug in.

Sophie has always been a foodie so it was not surprising when she brought out canned drinks from the refrigerator.

"Eat up, there's more where that came from." She cheered watching me with great interest.

"Why are you staring at me like that," I asked feeling awkward.

"You just look pale and lean. What happened to you." She replied.

Life happened, not everyone is born into immense wealth like you, I smiled inwardly.

"Earlier, you asked me why I was doing here," I said dropping my gaze to my snack.

"I moved to New York for a fresh start. But it's been tough. I've applied to countless positions, but no one wants to give me a chance."

Sophia's expression turned sympathetic as her eyes softened towards me.

" I'm so sorry." She apologizes.

I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"It's not your fault, it's just the reality of life."

"No I shouldn't have left you, this is my fault," she said almost in tears.

"Sophie I'm good." I forced a smile so she wouldn't get worried.

"You're not but I promise to make up for lost time. My dad's company is hiring, and I think you'd be perfect for the job." She said to me.

I choked on my hamburger.

She rushed to my aid, rubbing my back as she gave me water.

"Carefully before you hurt yourself." I scolded myself.

"Are you serious?" I asked so I would be sure because I couldn't believe my ears right now.

She flashed a smile and playfully gestured, saying,

"Hmm hmm."

My eyes widened with excitement and I had to stop myself from screaming.

" Oh my gosh, Sophie I'm grateful," I said feeling overjoyed.

"That would be amazing! What's the company, and what's the position?" I asked, bombarding Sophie with questions.

Sophia gave a smile.

"It's Wellington Enterprises. It's a conglomerate company for our family business. I have a good relationship with the current CEO so getting you a job is not a problem and with your skills and determination you'll be a great fit."

My heart raced with excitement as I cupped my mouth with my hands This could be my big break.

"Plus you're my best friend, I want the best for you. " Sophie said.

I was almost in tears as I hugged my best friend.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed.

"I missed you more." She replied.

Sophie was my knight in shining armor whenever I got bullied in school and now she is here once again to save my ass.

Sophia briefed me on the company on the way.

I listened intently, taking in every detail. I was determined to make a good impression.

Sophie gave me a new outfit before we went to the company. I was grateful because when I entered Wellington Enterprises, I felt really small.

When they arrived at the office, Sophie led me to a sleek, modern conference room. A tall, handsome man with piercing blue eyes stood up from the table.

I was momentarily stunned to find out that the CEO was no other person but Tristan our high school star boy.

"This is Tristan Wells. He's the CEO of Wellington Enterprises." She said.

My jaws nearly dropped and I thank God Sophie gave me nice clothes otherwise, I would have died of embarrassment.

Back in high school, Tristan was a senior and he was every girl's crush but I didn't bother because I knew he was way out of my league.

I shook his hand firmly, feeling a sense of confidence washed over me.

"Nice meeting you." He said with a straight face.

Even back in school, he wasn't one to always flash a smile but it didn't stop the girls from going crazy over him.

"Same here and thank you for considering me for the position," I said, trying to fight the nervousness I felt

Tristan's gaze was stern, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he turned his gaze to Sophie.

"Sophie has told me great things about you. I think you'd be a fantastic addition to our team." He replied.

"You have a lot of potential. I'd like to offer you the job, pending a background check and a meeting with our HR department."

I couldn't help but feel proud and accomplished, but I wondered what kind of relationship Sophie and Tristan had for him to agree to all of this.

"Thank you so much, I won't let you down," I said.

"I hope so Welcome to Wellington Enterprises. Miss Sophie will fill you in on the rest." He said.

He casually kicks back the chair and heads over to Sophie.

"Make sure you do whatever it is you want to do quickly. Dad's waiting," I heard him say to her.

After he left, I turned to Sophie and excitedly shook her, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

"You didn't tell me you work with our senior Tristan from high school."

Sophie tried to force a smile as she replied,

"Nah, it's not a big deal."

"Are you kidding me? Now it's like he even grew more handsome and sexy." I smirked at her.

"Eww gross." She remarked with a disgusted face.

"Come on, you're not fooling me! It's obvious something is going on between you two," I teased, giving a playful wink.

"Ew, that's my stepbrother," she told me with a disgusted expression on her face.

"What?!" I exclaimed in disbelief, finding it hard to believe what I just heard.

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