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"Let go of me, you crazy—"

But Sophie cut her off. "You think you can bully her just because you’re Tristin’s fiancée? Think again!"

I finally managed to get close enough to grab Sophie’s arm. "Sophie, please! Stop! This isn’t helping!"

Sophie glanced at me, her eyes softening slightly as she saw the tears streaming down my face. She hesitated, her grip on Livia loosening just a bit.

Livia took advantage of the moment and wrenched herself free, staggering back a few steps. She glared at Sophie, her expression murderous. "You’re going to regret this," she spat, straightening her disheveled hair.

"No, Livia," Sophie said, her voice cold and steady now. "You’re the one who’s going to regret it. You don’t get to treat people like dirt and get away with it. Not while I’m around."

The tension in the room was palpable as Sophie and Livia stared each other down. I felt a mix of gratitude and fear, knowing that this confrontation would have consequences for all of us.

"Enough!" A com
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