


Being the daughter of an important person like Jason Rodrigues was no easy feat… at least that was what everyone thought whenever they looked at Camilla Rodrigues.

They thought that she had it all and there was nothing in the world that would ever change that.

Camilla on the other hand wanted something more than the title of her father. She loved him, never forget that but she also wanted something more for herself that did not involve his name and his title.

She walks into a room and everyone whispers… they are nice to her because they all want something from her father and they think she is in the right place to put in a good word for them.

She had no friends… who would want to be friends with the daughter of a billionaire with no strings attached? It just wasn’t possible.

Camilla wanted more and that was what drove her into the hands of Nathan Clark, her father’s only competitor.

Nathan was everything that her father disliked and even more so, he was freedom to her.

She only had to get him to accept her working for him and the only way she can do that is by making sure he had no idea who she was.

That was totally impossible however so she decided to go to him with a proposition.



“I want to know what the fuck you think you are doing, waltzing into my office knowing fully well that I do not do business with your family” Nathan snapped as he glared at the woman in front of him.

She was stunning… I mean she had to be with a father like Jason but that meant nothing to him because Jason was an enemy and one thing he never did was frolick with an enemy.

“I have a business proposition for you, Mr Clark” Camilla announced, taking a deep breath.

The man sitting before her was fucking grumpy and quite intimidating but there was no way in hell she was going to allow him scare her after she had thought about this for a really long time. He was the only one who could help her and she had to make sure he accepted her proposal.

“There is nothing you have to say that I want to hear, Miss Rodrigues and I don’t know how you got past the security but I will make sure to fire them after you leave” He threatened.

“Please just listen to me” Camilla muttered, her voice rising an octave.

“Are you in trouble with the law? If you are, I am sure your father and the rest of his family can figure out a way to get you out without it directly involving me”

“I am not in trouble with the law; this is a business proposition and I would like for you to hear me out” She snapped, her eyes glittering with anger.

Nathan stared hard at her, taking in the sweep of her hair in a bun and the way she had carefully selected her clothing. She was dressed professionally but that did not stop him from envisioning her naked which infuriated him more than he cared to admit.

He wanted nothing with this girl but he could not bring himself to discharge her immediately.

“What proposition do you have for me?” He finally asked.

He watched her smile, revealed dimpled cheek before advancing to where he sat and placing the file she had been holding in front of him.

“What is this?” He snarled.

“I want to work for you, Mr Clark and before you outrightly refuse… I want you to go through what i have outlined in that document. You will see that I can be a useful addition to your company.” she recited.

“I am not going to allow the daughter of my competitor to work for me” He told her

“Right now, I am Camilla and…”

“You are a Rodrigues” Nathan corrected.

“Mr Clark…”

“No” He interrupted

“I need your help… please do not refuse me. This is the only way I could come up with to make some name for myself without my family’s backing” She told him, her eyes pleading with him to reconsider his stance.

He understood her; he too have been trying to make a name for himself without his family and the only difference between them was that hers were rich while his were rat poor.

“On one condition” He declared

“Anything” Camilla breathed.

“You will not only work here as my personal assistant but you will also be my housekeeper” He smiled at this.

This was going to be very interesting indeed and he could not wait to see the look on Jason’s face

“I accept” She muttered without even thinking about it.

“You are hired then, Camilla” He told her.

“Thank you so much, Mr Clark…”

“Nathan” He corrected


“The name is Nathan; if we are going to be working together in such close proximity then you should call me by my given name, Camilla”

Camilla took a sharp breath at this; she wondered if she had done the right thing with this man but she could not go back now, could she?

She smiled and nodded, putting out her hand for a shake.

She resisted the urge to scream and snatch her hand back when his closed over hers because she suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach and heat sear her outstretched hand as he shook her.

Nathan Clark was as dangerous a man as he was a boss and she had just given herself to him on a platter.

Great Job, Camilla.

Dee Rah

Welcome back my dear readers

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
melanie townsend
Is there a full book about Camilla n Nathan I only see the couple of chapters

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