
Her Silent Scream

Ellie was quickly attended to and the bleeding was stopped. After having her arm stitched, she was taken back to the ward, with her granny and Kevin by her side. She was sedated and had fallen into a deep sleep, unaware of what was gong on around her. As granny watched her, she felt sadness and guilt within her and at the same time, felt anger towards the person that made her granddaughter this way. All she prayed for at that moment was for Ellie to wake up and narrate what exactly had happened to her. She promised herself to get justice for Ellie, no matter what it would cost her.

Night came and Ellie still hadn’t woken up. Kevin who had briefly gone home to check up on Carla, was expecting to meet her awake on getting back to the hospital but he had met her, still sleeping soundly. In the process of the wait for her to wake up, both granny and Kevin slept off, only to be awoken by the yelling and cries of Ellie in the middle of the night. This cries of hers, woke the other patients
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