
Their Meeting

Before Sophia left her mother’s house that day, they had both agreed to run a check on Ellie, trying to figure out a part of her life that could be used to threaten her. On Sophia’s way home that day, she saw Richard’s car drove pass her and in the car with him was his pregnant lover. Since she caught Richard cheating on her that night, she had stopped picking Richard’s calls and had stopped him from seeing her. Richard, who cared less about her didn’t read meaning to her actions as he had thought she needed some time to herself. Not setting his eyes on Sophia didn’t matter to him as long as he had his true lover by his side.

Seeing them together made Sophia get angrier. She turned her car and trailed them, wanting to know their destination. After 40 minutes of driving, they finally got to their destination. It was a small building in the outskirts of the city. Pamela and Richard both got out of the car holding each other’s hands and entering the building. Sophia laid low and watched
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