
Chapter 54


Max excused himself to take his bath, and I finally exhaled, a small smile tugging at my lips as he disappeared from the room, into the bathroom.

The weight that had settled on my shoulders lifted, and I welcomed the newfound quiet. It was a rare moment to collect my thoughts without the distracting pull of his presence.

Leaning back in his chair, I couldn't help but glance to the space where he was just standing just seconds ago. His absence left an echo, a void that allowed me to shift my gaze away from his captivating, chiseled chest. The pull of his masculinity had been undeniable, but now, with him out of sight, I could finally clear my head.

With a determined breath, I redirected my attention to the plate in front of me. The flavors seemed more intense, as if my taste buds had been awakened from a slumber. I savored each bite, chewing thoughtfully as my mind wandered. The sound of running water from the bathroom reached my ears, a reminder that he was momentarily out of rea
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