

Bree dreaded going to see Jeffery, like she always did, but today it seemed the lesser evil when thrown against facing Ryder after last night.

The night had been beautiful and she didn't want anything to ruin it, not even the man that had made it special for her.

She sighed as she dressed up, she'd spent a greater part of her morning in the bath sponging off and now her skin hurt as the closest contact.

She made sure Ryder was still in bed, at least his room, before she snuck out.

If there's one thing she really sucks at, it was the morning after talk, and she'd rather not have it with man as enigmatic as he was volatile.

And those were the words she'd use to describe Ryder in a heartbeat.

To think she'd understand him better after having lived with him in the same house for a month plus now.

The home was already running for the day when she arrived abd it gave her the chills to be here again and so soon.

The back of her neck p

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