



It was like I was set on fire, my blood boiling at 100 degrees Celsius, as I saw those bloody, horny men flooding her comment.

I posted it for myself—I scoffed at the message.

If it’s for herself, then it should remain in her gallery, not on her social page.

After writing a long paragraph about why she should arrange her bags and return to New York, I deleted it. I didn’t want to sound controlling, and she does need a break from all this drama.

“Are you with another man?” I asked as I adjusted my red tie against my white dress shirt, seated alone in my office. I was reading through some contracts when my phone chimed. Glancing at my notifications bar, I saw—Ari. S had posted a picture. As I clicked on it, a picture of her in a red bikini, accentuating her cleavage and hips, popped up. I was pleased with it until I saw those bloody men staring at my woman.

My phone chimed, and I picked it up.

Aria: Are you with your missing piece?

She had been haunting me with this “missing piece” reference. I loved the way she taunted me with it. Despite our year-long relationship, this was the most she had ever revealed. She had always been indifferent. Ever since I got engaged to Lucy, she has been acting differently, and I still can't tell if it's because she genuinely cares about me or if it's just an act to get out of the contract.

“Yes.” I lied, hoping to get more reaction from her.

My phone chimed again.

Aria: Crawl back to whatever dark, stinking, manipulative hole you crawled out of, and take your missing piece along with you.

Dumbfounded, I stared at the message. She had never replied to me like that. As a lump formed in my throat, I dialed her number, only to find it switched off. Did I make her angry?

I set my phone aside as I tried to focus on the business proposal in front of me.

A spark of excitement coursed through me as my phone chimed again, but it was short-lived as I saw it was a message from Lucy. Opening it revealed a picture of her in a restaurant. Her blonde hair was neatly packed in a bun. There was a caption below it—I was thinking of you, so I decided to send you a picture.

Lucy kept on acting sweet after the madness she had displayed. Did she think those romantic dates we've been going on meant something to me? Was she trying to earn my forgiveness? She was like a parasite I was trying to get rid of.

If only this were my Binky, I would have smiled and complimented how lovely she looked.I sighed heavily and returned to my work. If I keep thinking about her, I won’t get any work done.





Sitting at the outdoor bar, I kept my phone pressed to my ear, attempting to reach her. It was already 10 p.m., yet her phone remained switched off. Despite the cold night breeze, I couldn’t shake the unease that was settling in. Downing another drink, I continued my fruitless attempts to connect with her. I have been jumping from her social media to her friend’s to see if I would get any updates, yet nothing.

Zach, strolled in with a blonde. “Meet my princess, Daisy." He introduced her.

There are seven days in a week, yet Zach has introduced me to eleven princesses just this week like he was about to start a royal football club with them. I forced a smile as I greeted her. I was more concerned about my Binky.

Zach noticed my tension, as I was never good at masking my feelings, yet my Binky can’t see how crazy I am for her.

“Still worried about Ariel’s lookalike?" Zach asked.

I twitched at the mention of Ariel's lookalike.I met Ariel years ago. We first met at the university, sharing classes. I was amazed at how beautiful and intelligent she was. I remembered how many men hovered around her, dying for her attention, yet she gave it all to me. I received a lot of death threats to stay away from her, and when I told her, she mocked me, questioning my strength.When I heard about Ariel’s death I was devastated, I couldn’t believe I had lost her. A few months ago, I walked into a cafe and saw my binky. It was as though I was given a second chance.

You know what that means? Many men are already hovering around her.

As I checked Jessie’s page, I saw a video of them. They were at a club. My temper sparked as I saw a man sitting near my binky. I leaned forward as another video popped up. The man was holding my Binky’s waist while she was grinding her waist on him. I rubbed my eyes with my hand to make sure I was seeing clearly, to be very sure she was the one. As I crashed back into my chair, I chuckled, thinking of ways to skin that man alive.

“Where are you going?” Zach asked as I stomped to my feet.

“Las Vegas,” I replied.

He stared at me like I was losing my mind; indeed, I was losing my mind.

“What’s happening there?” He pressed.

“A vacation.” I smiled.

“Let’s all go then,” Zach said, gulping his last drops of alcohol.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

“Ready the private jet. We are going to Las Vegas,” I said as soon as my butler picked up.

“Yes sir.” His voice came through the line.


The flight had lasted for hours, finally touching down in Las Vegas at 5 a.m. the next day. After settling into my penthouse, my anticipation grew as the day brightened.

Walking down the hallway, I scanned through the numbers until I found room 305. “Room service,” I said, knocking on the door. If I had mentioned my name, she probably wouldn’t have opened the door. “Did you order food?” I could hear my Binky’s voice from the other side of the door. As I thought about the expression her face would make upon seeing me, I smiled.

My smile faded as the door opened.

“Demon,” Jessie said—her voice so vile.

"It's the witch," I replied, realizing she wasn't mispronouncing my name. Demon was the nickname she had decided to give me.

Shoving her slightly , I entered the room. I wasn’t here for her, nor was I ready to deal with her hatred.

Her eyes widened as she saw me. “Damon, what are you doing here? How did you find me?” she asked, jumping off the bed.

Ignoring her, I opened the bathroom door. No one is here.

“Why are you here? ”She pressed as I checked the wardrobe.

I felt relieved to see no man, but my heart tightened again as I remembered the balcony. I headed towards it—no one there. I looked down to check if anyone was hanging off the edge. I needed to be certain that there was no man.

She gripped my arm, turning me with all her strength to face her. “Why are you here?” Her anger burned in her doe eyes as they stared up at me.

As I noticed the redness around her neck, I blurted out, “Did a man choke you?”

“Are you serious?” Her eyes flashed with anger. “It was an allergic reaction.”

“Binky,” I called softly as I reached to touch her face.

“Don’t call me that,” she said, pushing my hand away.

With a deep breath, I walked over and collapsed onto the white sofa. “I came to crash the vacation. You are not the only one who needs a break from the drama,” I replied, leaning back.

“Yo—.” Jessie began.

“I can handle this,” she said to Jessie, then turned to me. “You caused this drama.”

Of course, I knew I caused this drama, but how could I explain that my life isn’t my own? without sounding like a coward, without sounding like a weakling who can’t fight for what he wants. As the heir of Wesley’s cooperation, my destiny has been set in stone.

“I took this vacation to get away from you, but you can’t seem to stay away.” She added.

My lungs constricted at her words. It used to be cold, but now it’s just pure hatred. I couldn’t blame her, though. She was a free bird, and I caged her. But I am one selfish man and I don’t plan on letting her slip away from me.

As silence lingered, my Binky and I exchanged intense stares. Zach walked in, his steps breaking the tension. His gaze fell on Jessie with obvious admiration. He was probably regretting bringing that blonde along with us. My eyes returned to my Binky, trailing her body— her nipples pierced through the black nightgown that ended a few inches below her hips. Her soft thighs inviting me to press them. A half-smile played on my lips as she dragged the duvet around her body.

I turned to Zach. “Please call the porters to pack their luggage.” I rose to my feet.

“Why?” She asked

“I'm taking you to my penthouse,” I replied.

“Oh no. You are not taking her anywhere.” Jessie stepped in.

Of course, the witch had to interject. Always opposing me. Jessie has always hated me, and I have no idea why she does but I ignored her as usual.

I turned to my Binky. “As long as we have the co—.” I stopped myself, remembering we weren’t alone.

Closing the space between me and my Binky, I whispered into her ears. “As long as we have not terminated the contract, you are still my woman, and you go where I go.”

On tiptoe, she whispered back. “I am not going anywhere with you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her pettiness. “We will see about that.”

Yanking the duvet off, I wrapped my long black coat around her waist and lifted her, tossing her over my shoulders. She yelled, banging her fist against my back. In response, I spanked her ass.

I turned to the porters, who arrived a few seconds later. “Pack their bags.”

“She’s not going anywhere,” Jessie said, blocking the entrance with her body.

I stared down at her. “Move,” I ordered. “Except you want Zach carrying you like this,” I added, spanking my Binky’s ass again. As Zach’s chuckle came from behind, horror glistened in Jessie’s eyes, and she surrendered.

“Better.” I smiled, taking my Binky with me.

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