

Alice knew that she was definitely outnumbered in this situation she feel foolish for having not paid attention and now she had about four guys to deal with.

She spread her legs to give herself some balance but her system was slowly falling to the drug that they had slipped into her drink and it will not be long before she just collapsed and they did whatever they wanted with her at this moment she felt alone she has been alone for a long time for the past 3 years but the fact that it was made so obvious made her heart Clinch a bit but she would not go down without a fight.

" ok you basterds Let's Dance!"

she threw the first Punch or at least she tried to after that right Hook and the guy easily dodged it like he was made out of water and in her blurry vision see that she was heading straight to the floor at full speed.

Immediately she crossed her hands together hoping that it would at least soften her fall and then she waited 2 seconds past and more but she did not feel that crushin
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