

Rafael's Point Of View



"Amari Fleur, the woman who recently broke up with you. I am her first boyfriend and know many things about her. Are you sure you're not interested?"

The man's shout made me stop. Despite my initial reluctance, his words piqued my interest.

I returned to the floating hut and sat before the man, who smiled at me and offered his hand.

"Just to introduce myself, my name is Jacob Buenavista, and I'm Fleur's first ex-boyfriend,"

Jacob introduced himself by extending his hand for a shake. I looked disinterestedly at him, but he laughed it off and offered me a glass of wine.

"This means you've been interested in my stories since you came back,"

Jacob spoke to me with a smile that slightly irritated me.

"Stop saying nonsense things. Just be direct and make sure it's not a lie."

I told Jacob that made him laugh. He drank the wine directly in front of him when he spoke again.

"How long have you known Fleur, and how long have you been to
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