

Unsure of how to react Alex knew he had to keep his guard up around Zeke. "If he doesn't trust me, then I don't trust him. He decided to call his P.A.

He doesn't have plans to report or to explain to him. Rather he wanted to know why his P.A was at that moment it was around past three in the morning..

He reached out to his mobile phone. He dialled his P.A's number.

In seconds of when the phone rang. His P.A picked up. He removed the phone from his ear, just so he can be sure that it was his P.A that indeed picked up.

He was surprised to see that his P.A was wide awake and not asleep like he expected.

"You aren't asleep?" He asked to be sure, maybe he picked up as it buzzed.

"No sir, do you need me for something." His P.A said in a clear voice and not a rather sleepy one that he expected.

"No, I was just checking up on you. You can go on and do what you need to do. " Alex said before he ended the call. He nodded to the fact that his P.A was working.

A few hours later.

Alex hadn'
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