
Chapter 39


“So that's what happened, and it's weird,” Johnny said as we walked. “I just wasn't feeling it. She had a fire body, but something wasn't clicking for me.”

“Hmm,” I voiced, walking up to his side, “so how did she take it?”

“What do you think? She was utterly disappointed.”

“Can’t blame her, can we? I would be too.”

Johnny looked at me and sighed. “Sometimes I wonder why I tell you anything. You're never on my side.”

“Still doesn't stop you from telling me more, does it?”

One of the downsides of having a best friend was that they confided in you all their thoughts and secrets. Today, Johnny was telling me about his sexual encounter with a girl last night, which, mind you, the girl found quite underwhelming.

As I walked alongside Johnny in the woods, with dappled sunlight filtering through the green canopy of towering trees overhead, I marveled at the beauty of nature that surrounded us. Usually, we would come out in the woods to change, but today we had decided to roam the woods
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