
Chapter 41


Despite the feeling of confidence that had washed over me last night when I spotted the stalker, I still feel quite uneasy now. I can't help but hate that I left my hometown for the city, only to experience the same thing. It feels as though my entire life has changed since I got to know about the supernatural world.

I pondered, damn it, my ears filtering away the sound of the drill gun.

This flat is the same place where I have stayed for a long time. Throughout all of my time here, working at the office, I have never before felt unsafe. But last night, I remember waking up thrice to check if my windows and doors were still locked. It's crazy, right? My whole life seems insane and it feels like it's just one thing after another, with no end in sight.

It's so damn annoying.

As I stand in my apartment with the man I hired to reinforce my doors and windows, I can't help but feel content with myself for calling him in. If nothing else, his confidence in helping me out is quite satisfy
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