


After Phoebe left the office, the first thing that I did was dial the Vampire’s phone number. I took the crushed paper from the floor and uncrumpled it, then punched the numbers.

“Speak,” A gruff voice answered.

“I’m calling about your blood bank issue,” I cut to the chase with the cocky bastard.

”Who the fuck is this?” He harshly demanded.

“I’m the one that you sent the message about paying you fifteen million dollars.” I highlighted.

“Ah, the Alpha wolf,” he acknowledges, “And your name?”

“Carter, of course,” I exchanged. He had to have known who I was since he was the one that sent the ransom note. “And it’s only fair that I know who I am dealing with?”

“Barabbas,” he announces with much delight and conceit, “I’m sure that you know that name.” Then the narcissistic scumbag added, “Everyone does.”

Shit! Barabbas Lorcan belonged to a branch of the head family of Vampires. Without a doubt, he was the blood bank's owner and runs his own coven. He may negotiate, but he w
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