
Shorts and thong

Jasmine's Pov

"I don't have any clothes to wear…or maybe we could drop by at my place before going to class?"

"I got you covered babes." my face flushed at his choice of pet names for me.

"What do you mean…" the rest of my words died out as we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I think that is our problem solved." he didn't wait for me before he stood up and went to attend to the person outside. He went to the door and came back with about five paper bags all with a different fashion logo. He sat close to me and nuzzled me for a whole minute before gently kissing me on the cheeks, forehead, and nose tip. He pointed to the bag.

"Those are some cloth selections. I don't want to stress you more than necessary. I had a friend pick them out." he whispered into my hair.

I was flabbergasted!

"How did you know my size?"

"It's tricky …and memorable." I pinched his arm as I laughed.

"Can you get your mind out of the gutter for a bit?"

He rolled his eyes…" Hopefully, you like them... I
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