

We approached the wolf pack stealthily, shrouded in sinister shadows, where distorted whispers echoed, sending shivers through our fur. Malevolent shadows danced around us, toying with the fragility of our minds. I swallowed hard as I witnessed the silent passage of a black wolf among the shadows of the houses, its eyes staring at me with an unsettling familiarity, as if the entity before me shared similarities with my own father.

I approached the alpha, brushing our fur together, and he directed his penetrating gaze towards me.

“Fear not the darkness; it is the darkness that should fear us!” Lycan, the alpha, growled, whispering words that echoed with the promise of renewed confidence.

The wolves seemed to have detected our presence, their paws making an unmistakable sound as they scraped the ground while running toward us. The ground trembled under the approaching pack, red eyes gleaming, and fangs dripping saliva as if they were rabid beasts.

“There are many...” One of the wolves c
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